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Am I ready for a regional?

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it seems like flight instructing is lacking as an experience builder--more like a time builder.


--Short version--

I thought the same thing back when I was faced with that decision. I really didn't have a choice as the mins for Eagle (as an example) were 2000TT 500ME and part 135 time. I actually learned quite a bit from being a CFI and learned all the new ways a student can try to kill you. You don't really know how to do something until you have taught it.
Breathing and a pulse.; you are golden. Just go out and get yourself one of them big fat pilot watches with all those dials to impress the chicks.
Regional checklist.

Low Time:




Lots of Hairgel:

Parents basement:

Riddle Education:

Gulfstream Academy graduate:

Say dude alot:

If you can check six of the nine boxes, then the answer would be yes, you are ready for a regional.

DUDE that post makes you look like such a ******************************e but God all mighty was that FUNNY!!!! especially the basement thing. HA! No lie though, that's a pretty good list.
Regional checklist.

Low Time:




Lots of Hairgel:

Parents basement:

Riddle Education:

Gulfstream Academy graduate:

Say dude alot:

If you can check six of the nine boxes, then the answer would be yes, you are ready for a regional.

That is fantastic, they need to hand this to all the potential applicants as walk into the career fairs at ERAU and UND ect.
Regional checklist.

Low Time: No

IPOD: Wife Stole Mine

Backpack: Not used for Work

Oakleys: Some Rampie in MEM Signature restaurant stole them off my table

Lots of Hairgel: I have no Hair

Parents basement: They are in a Different Country
Riddle Education: Daytona :puke:

Gulfstream Academy graduate: Nope

Say dude alot: No

If you can check six of the nine boxes, then the answer would be yes, you are ready for a regional.

I made the wrong career move I guess
My opinion is if you ask this question on three different forums you're probably not ready.

Seconded. I only attempted to do what I did because I was training like a Bhuddist monk. By the time I moved up, I had five emergencies under my belt (cue Han Solo: "It's not my fault!"), and blessings from three CFIs and a couple of retired mainline captains who seemed to agree I could stumble around in a Beech without giving my captain an ulcer or killing the other 20 people on board. I just barely proved them right. As desperate as the lower-tier regionals are right now, they will boot your ass if you screw up bad enough, and you will have begun your career with a Hell of a black mark on your record. If you have enough doubt in your skills that you're counting on all of us to chime in and say "go for it," then you may want to get back in the cockpit and try breaking something. And go get that CFI - I never used mine, but it will at least get you in the right mindset.
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Low Time: far from it

IPOD: I still can't afford that sh**t

Backpack: Yes, but not for work.

Oakleys: Wal-mart doesnt sell those

Lots of Hairgel: The last thing I need is more hair grease!

Parents basement: Does a room in their house count as a basement?

Riddle Education: I can't afford SH***

Gulfstream Academy graduate: Nope

Say dude alot: Only on flight info to piss off some of the DUDES here LOL

In all seriousness, what some of these guys are saying is true my friend. Are you really ready for a regional job YES/NO. Why yes? Well b/c most captains now a days are pretty much babysitters anyways, so they wont let you get them in trouble. Why NO? Well b/c if your babysitter has a heart attack then you might be in trouble. Will some regionals hire you? Yes they will, why? b/c even though every company has SAFETY as their number one priority all they really care about is making money. It's like McDonalds, their number one thing is Customer service, do they really provide the best customer service? NOOOOO, at the end of the day they still jer* off on your burger and give it to you all smashed!!!
I'm not going to lie, when I had your time i dreamed that an airline would even look at my resume (even if it was to get a cheap laugh) but no one even considered me until I had almost 1600 TT.
At the time I didnt understand, but my lack of understanding was due to my lack of experience.
My recent SIM partner had almost 400 hours, did he pass training? Yes, but honestly only b/c the instructors and MY SELF helped him out a lot. Was he a nice guy? YES. Has he humble about his experience leve? HELL YES! But would I really trust the guy whe the s*** hits the fan. And I mean when it REALLY hits the fan (Engine failure, in hard IMC and me passed out b/c of the Big Mac with "special sauce I got") NO. He still passed, and even though for the Next 6 months to a year he's going to be baby sat by captains I think at the end he'll be OK as long as he remains humble and the SH*** doesnt hit the fan.
Good luck chief and if you do get on with an airlines, really dont wear the back pack, or go to Wal-mart in a full uniform and I mean full! With the hat and everything! I'll laugh at first, but I might trip ya afterwards.
Good luck!
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Good luck chief and if you do get on with an airlines, really dont wear the back pack, or go to Wal-mart in a full uniform and I mean full! With the hat and everything! I'll laugh at first, but I might trip ya afterwards.
Good luck!

So the wings and epaulettes are okay? What if I pin them to an old t-shirt? :rolleyes:
So the wings and epaulettes are okay? What if I pin them to an old t-shirt? :rolleyes:

Hey man, if you realized you didnt have deodorant on the way to the airport and had to stop real quick to Wal-mart then so be it. I'm talking about getting up early in the morning, taking a shower, running upstairs from the basement and telling mom and dad that you're going to go to Wal-Mart to buy some more hair gel and you decide to get EVERYTHING on and go shopping while listening to your IPOD. Not to mention if you're wearing your OAKLEYS INSIDE the dammn STORE!!!!!!
Heh, calm down dude. If I'm in a pinch, any incriminating evidence of my profession stays in the car. The sight of a pilot in full uniform at Wal-Mart turns my stomach at least as much as it does yours. Thus the :rolleyes:. This sarcasm crap is a lot harder with a keyboard.

...oh ********************, I just said "dude," didn't I?

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