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Alpa President John Prater's Video Response To Age 60

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and of course the people in charge at ALPA want the rule moved to 65. how could they not? They probably had to rush to the restroom once they figured out how much more money in dues they would get

Exactly the same as they get now. Somebody will be paying dues from those seats. The number of seats don't change, it's the age of the arse in them.
The excuse the ALPA reps gave me when I asked why no furloughees they said it was because they don't get to vote.

Yet it wasn't a vote, it was a survey.

So yes, they did attempt to limit the participants of the survey in an effort to favor the pro change response.

While I'm going to give ALPA the benefit of the doubt on this one, they're going to have to come out publicly and strongly against this issue very soon.

I think that, at this point, we need to organize a recall effort against Prater. He is not following the direction of the membership and is clearly in favor of this change.
The question is, are there enough pilots who are angry enough to organize and floor a resolution at their council meeting?

Whereas, the pilots of ________ support the current age 60 rule for safety, and,

Whereas, the majority of ALPA membership has supported the current age 60 rule, and,

Whereas, ALPA President Prater has publicly endorsed a change to the age 60 rule, and,

Let it be resolved that, the pilots of Council __ have passed a Vote of No Confidence in ALPA President Prater, and,

Further, let it be resolved, that the pilots of Council __ direct their council leaders to influence the ___ MEC to have ALPA President Prater removed from his current position and replaced with a President who will follow the direction of the majority of ALPA and support the current age 60 rule.

Alter as you see fit. At this point, it's the only way to get the message to ALPA national.
I don't claim to be an expert in anything, but can a furloughee initiate a recall of the ALPA president? Just curious.
I don't claim to be an expert in anything, but can a furloughee initiate a recall of the ALPA president? Just curious.

A) There are a LOT of non-furloughees who read this; it is not intended for my personal use; it is to get people at every ALPA council to push for prater's recall. You failed to comprehend that I used the plural "WE," not "I." (DUH!)

B) I am no longer a furloughee; I was recalled on 22 Jan.
So what happened when you presented this resolution to your LEC?

My LEC has not met since prater opted to ignore the majority. Please, keep baiting me. All you are achieving is ticking off a LOT of people who are opposed to the change. Bait us enough, and you'll get a chance to see this introduced at your LEC, assuming that you're ALPA.
I think that, at this point, we need to organize a recall effort against Prater. He is not following the direction of the membership and is clearly in favor of this change..

Maybe he is following the direction of those who favor changing it, who are the majority.

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