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ALPA National changes policy, now supports Age 65 retirement

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People are fed up with the lack of leadership from ALPA. Better leadership would mean higher participation. You always turn people's legitimate complaints against them and say they are not involved enough. What solutions do you offer to help ALPA regain the confidence of its membership?

ALPA is like old yeller....Its time to take it out back, shoot it, and start anew.
People are fed up with the lack of leadership from ALPA. Better leadership would mean higher participation. You always turn people's legitimate complaints against them and say they are not involved enough. What solutions do you offer to help ALPA regain the confidence of its membership?

ALPA is like old yeller....Its time to take it out back, shoot it, and start anew.

Unfortunatley, I think people have unrealistic expectations about what ALPA can and cannot do. ALPA cannot overcome market forces long term and ALPA cannot overcome the will of Congress or globalization long term. If you think we should take 'er out back and shoot it, I think most will be sorely disappointed with whatever entity takes its place.
People are fed up with the lack of leadership from ALPA.

Like UALDriver said... expectations are too realistic. Many pilots are simply aloof to union affairs until something happens. Then they want action. It is similiar to HOA's. No one cares about neighborhood activities until the 15 year old girl is raped.. then all of a sudden homeowners want action. they want to go from zero to 60 but have no idea HOW.

Better leadership would mean higher participation.

We just had VP & President elections. The guys that elected the president were elected by an apathetic membership. Avg. LEC election particaption rates is 30%. So only 30% of the general membership sent reps to the BOD to elect the President.

we just had an opportunity to put in fresh new leadership. What happen?

You always turn people's legitimate complaints against them and say they are not involved enough.

Well it is your career. Its like giving your child to "someone" to rasie and poking your head in every now and then for 18 years. When the child doesn't fit in with the family you wonder why.

Yes. Do you think a minority of the membership is satisfactory to reclaim this profession? Do you think the difficulties we are facing now and the effort needed to shift the market forces can be done with minority membership particaption? Direct answer please.

What solutions do you offer to help ALPA regain the confidence of its membership?

Everyone brings something to the party. The more people we have to more ideas, innovation, power, strength and effectiveness. Yes it is that simple. What is difficult is leading the pilots. The more particaption the more leadership. But you must have particaption for the leadership to be effective.

It is a two way street and you guys are treating it like a mexican stand off.

Well I am not going to protect my career until they show better leadership. Is that not self destructive. And besides you just voted in new leadership.. except that most likely 70% didn't bother to vote.

ALPA is like old yeller....Its time to take it out back, shoot it, and start anew.

No problem. What solutions do you offer. You must have a viable functioning organization ready to go once you pull the trigger on Old Yeller. The ALPA organization can be made better but I really think we just need more strength and power thru particaption.

How is a majority participation going to hinder us? Argue that it is nil or counter productive. direct answer requested.
Unfortunatley, I think people have unrealistic expectations about what ALPA can and cannot do.

Agreed. They simply are aloof to the political world that is thier airline careers. No one said in flight training " I hope i am politically effective in my Air Line Career". Yet that is what and HOW it takes to get better days off, pay, work rules benifits and retirement. Politics.

ALPA cannot overcome market forces long term and ALPA cannot overcome the will of Congress or globalization long term.

So true. We can influence congress by playing the game. we just need to know the rules and move from the bleechers to the playing field. Our careers are not spectator sports.

If you think we should take 'er out back and shoot it, I think most will be sorely disappointed with whatever entity takes its place.

It is quite ironic that ALPA is well respected on CapHill. Too bad its own members don't.
You are the true sh@tbag we all hate. You want to stick around for another 5 years because ALPO ******************************d your retirement. To bad ******************************!! You loved them before, so now you reap your CRAP rewards!!! Good luck old man, hope you and your family die poor, sucking on the ALPO teet. HAHAHAHHA MORON.
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