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ALPA National changes policy, now supports Age 65 retirement

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Hey Rez, how do you multi-quote like that?

Take the part you want to quote and before that type [qoute] put your quoted test here, then close out the quotes like this [/qoute], then type your answer. When you want to quote again, use the same format.

(misspelled on purpose to show you the example)

As for the other issues... we agree to disagree.

You really did make me chuckle with the notion that management thanks me for wearing my pin upside down. Thank you for that. How little do you know...
One that stands up when bullied instead of rolling over. How many times did pilot groups cave when threatened with bankruptcy over the last 5 years or regionals accepted substandard agreements to get bigger or more airplanes?

One that protects all of its memebers interests (J4J program at US Air WOs)

ALPA is at a crossroads and major changes need to take place. A good place to start would be fragmenting the regionals off to get rid of the conflict of interest. You could still share resources in medical, certificate action, safety, etc.. but barganing should be separate. Either that or come up with a way to resolve disputes internally effectively.

Do you have any other questions ualdriver?

Because most pilots think Unionism is a spectator sport.

Members don't participate because we DON'T believe. It is lack of leadership and results that have driven folks away but like a typical ALPA jarhead you are diconnected from that fact and turn around and blame the membership.
Why don't members come to LEC meetings to work with the officers they elected.

What other union's members are away for 4 day trips? If I have a meeting on a day off (1 of 2), and you expect me to drive or commute in for an LEC meeting (and be away from family), you better damn well make sure my time is spent well and make sure I feel that my presence there means something. Right now, the perception is that ALPA doesnt care what its members think, therefore, why waste a day off to show up?

Again, a failure of the LEADERSHIP.
Members don't participate because we DON'T believe. It is lack of leadership and results that have driven folks away but like a typical ALPA jarhead you are diconnected from that fact and turn around and blame the membership.

So what then, sir, do you suggest?
What other union's members are away for 4 day trips?

Who cares. No one else does. However, your ALPA volunteers are flying four day trips and volunteering thier time. Why can't you?

If I have a meeting on a day off (1 of 2), and you expect me to drive or commute in for an LEC meeting (and be away from family), you better damn well make sure my time is spent well and make sure I feel that my presence there means something. Right now, the perception is that ALPA doesnt care what its members think, therefore, why waste a day off to show up?

Again, a failure of the LEADERSHIP.

And if the leadership is unsat..then what.

Your entitlement attitude is really offensive. LEC guys trying to make the place better and all you got is disdain and ungratefulness. My children have more respect and grattitude than you...

When are you going to take responsbility for YOUR CAREER?

What responsibilities do you have as a member? None? Some?
Rez, I believe your intentions are good, but you are preaching to the wrong group. The leaders and leadership method have to change first before the members will come around.

A mexican stand off.....

And as YOUR CAREER...our career continues to race to the bottom... what are you going to do? when are you going to do something? Will you just quit and find another career? How passive are you willing to be?

With LEC elections happening regularly... when is the membership going to vote in the right leadership...

It is a two way street this membership leadership thing... but it is YOUR CAREER....
Who cares. No one else does. However, your ALPA volunteers are flying four day trips and volunteering thier time. Why can't you?
I did.... for 4 years.

And if the leadership is unsat..then what.
Voted agains DW at BOD. I was expecting change but as of yet, disappointed.

Your entitlement attitude is really offensive. LEC guys trying to make the place better and all you got is disdain and ungratefulness. My children have more respect and grattitude than you...
Could really care less what you think about my attitude. When I was an involved, active, dues paying member I had the right to feel entitled to fair equal representation. Neither I, nor my pilot group got it. I never had disdain for the rest of the MEC members, I respected them very much. (even when they were wrong ;) )

When are you going to take responsbility for YOUR CAREER?
Actively doing that. Part of that was getting as far from ALPA as possible.

When is the last time ALPA put out a poll to see how satisfied the membership was with the services being provided?

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