About 5 years ago I believe Alaska took a pay cut on average of 26%.....
12 year Captains took about a 21% spanking......
Some F/O's took it the shorts for about 34%....Ouch!
Raises in 10,11,12 were/are a whopping 1.8% per yr with no chance for anything better till 2015?
With Bamster printing money like Eva Peron, inflation is going to wreak havoc on Fudgepackers regional pay........
Hell....they will need a 100% pay raise just to catch up in Real terms.....in this economy, not likely....
My Delta buds say they are going to put a stop to Alaska more and more being the Regional feeder for Delta....that will be devastating to Alaska's bottom line. Deltas Lax base has suffered greatly.....
No wonder Fudge is bummed....bet he wished he had gone to Skywest or Republic instead. The Regional world sounds pretty tough.....
Wow!! Why so bitter? If you really believe what you are saying confirm the pay on AirlineCentral.com. They have all the hourly rates listed.