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Airtran would consider merger or carve out

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Your theory is not wrong per say. However, you have to consider the politics and the money that it's going to take to acquire those gates in ATL. First, you can rest assured that DAL and AAI have the city of ATL well greased. Just like SWA and AA might have it in Dallas. They will fight SWA tooth and nail to keep them from acquiring any gates. I'd bet money on it.

I'll go so far as to say that the big DAL will be willing to shed quite a bit of blood fighting that battle. Believe it! Now, does SWA have the assets to meet that fight? My guess would be yes. Is it logical and business savy to carry such an assault in this day in age with low yields and a staggering economy? Your guess is as good as mine, but I'll venture to say that not so much.

DAL is not the same airline that it was even 2 years ago. It is much healthier and getting healthier by the year. One could also argue that SWA does not have as many assets as it once did, say...two years ago. Still the healthiest airline in the country, but not as nimble as to try to take on the biggest airline in the world in their own backyard. This is just my opinion by the way.

So in response to your theory, it's not so much AAI you have to worry about. It's the big Gorilla that owns ATL that would put up the biggest fight. A fight that would drain lots of precious cash. Thus, I still believe that if SWA wants or NEEDS ATL, a merger or acquisition would be the easiest and cheapest way. But what do I know, I just stayed in a Holiday Inn Express last night. Apologies for the rant in advance....

I agree with you in reference to SWA coming to ATL. If they want to service the area they will find another airport in the area of ATL. Now about buying Airtran, they will not buy them but they will fight them from another airport near ATL.
I agree with you in reference to SWA coming to ATL. If they want to service the area they will find another airport in the area of ATL. Now about buying Airtran, they will not buy them but they will fight them from another airport near ATL.

LOL! you obviously are not from 'da ATL! Where in Atlanta is SWA going to plant its, "Herbs Turds" ?!?! Maybe the new white elephant airport in Paulding County that already reminds me of TNT in Miami?!? PDK, FTY, LZU and RYY all have restrictions on large aircraft, and nobody in affluent Cobb County will let you go into MGE; besides, the navy side has already gone to the GA National Guard.

No matter how much money you think you can throw at the crooked politicians in Atlanta, Delta will double it.

Originally Posted by 10nCLR
I also heard from an ASA FA on her back on the beach in MIA, KS.

You appear to have a rich fantasy life regarding FA's, pools and beaches.
There's nothing wrong with being a dispatcher but you need to lay off the Top Gun fantasy. You're not fooling anybody. Least of all the FA's

1st of all, I did marry a FA. 2nd, I hate the movie Top Gun, 3rd, I love the Caribbean irie, 4th, I use to be a dispatcher and 5th, of course, I should lay off the urnge Kool-Aid; it gives me heartburn.
Dude get a clue, do you think I'm serious, look at my goofy avatar. I only post that shizz cuz I'm pokn fun at the redundant threads. Dude, I'm being redundant because so many of these copious threads on here get so fricken redundant. They get filled with so many response posts that they too are filled with so much bombastic, egotistical, cocky, pretentious redundant crap. Am I getting the point across to you or should I keep talking about the tortuous, rhetorical verboseness found on FI? Don't be so serious. Lighten up!! I could say I heard this rumor from CA Lee Genitalia, while he bashed away on the SWA TX overnights on his great Trans-Atlantic DL flight last week or when Rez O. Lewshun was redundantly spewing proALPA and how non union commercial pilots are unprofessional. I heard them both say that they met this guy dicko, who told them both that when he responded and referenced "Top Gun Fantasy" to this irrelevant post from a Kool-Aid drinking, 'so called dispatcher', (who replies to redundant threads on FI with his rumors "heard" from his Holidays kickn back on the pink sanded beaches at the Crane Resort with his ex-FA wife in Barbados while sippin rum punches spiced with Grenada nutmeg and fending off local conch shell and coconut vendors) it gave him wet dreams just thinking about Tom Cruise in the movies Cocktail and Risky Business.
~~~Peace out~~~
You picked to go with Airtran, now you are stuck with Airtran. SWA does not want any of your problems. Solve your own problems and don't expect SWA or any other airline to solve them.

Way too funny . . . You think I want to merge with SWA?? Are you out of your mind?

I'm in my ninth year, which means at SWA, I'd either be a newbie CA or still an FO. Here, I'm the top third of our seniority list, and I've been a Captain since 2004, so, no, you can keep the corndogs all to yourself, thanks, and the chocolate salty balls, too. :laugh:
Way too funny . . . You think I want to merge with SWA?? Are you out of your mind?

I'm in my ninth year, which means at SWA, I'd either be a newbie CA or still an FO. Here, I'm the top third of our seniority list, and I've been a Captain since 2004, so, no, you can keep the corndogs all to yourself, thanks, and the chocolate salty balls, too. :laugh:

You mean you wouldn't want to explore beautiful Midland and Lubbock during layovers???? You'll miss out with no merger...
Way too funny . . . You think I want to merge with SWA?? Are you out of your mind?

I'm in my ninth year, which means at SWA, I'd either be a newbie CA or still an FO. Here, I'm the top third of our seniority list, and I've been a Captain since 2004, so, no, you can keep the corndogs all to yourself, thanks, and the chocolate salty balls, too. :laugh:

I am sure that all of the SWA guys are glad that you feel that way. Hopefully everybody else feels the same way. Now, after your strike maybe Reblic will buy you and merge the list with all the other regionals. Then you and F9 will have the same thing in common. Good luck.
I am sure that all of the SWA guys are glad that you feel that way. Hopefully everybody else feels the same way. Now, after your strike maybe Reblic will buy you and merge the list with all the other regionals. Then you and F9 will have the same thing in common. Good luck.
They don't have enough money.

Try again. ;)
And United has money to "buy" Continental? Hell it's the American way. You don't need money - you need credit!

And United has money to "buy" Continental? Hell it's the American way. You don't need money - you need credit!


They don't have enough of that either. They would need more/new investors with cold hard cash. Has anyone been reading the papers lately?

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