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AirTran to take ATA Employees with Deal

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guys like CSYMon will take potshots at you your whole career.
Hmm, hurt feelings here?

Don't think I have ever started a thread or initiated a discussion on merger policies and such.

Merely responded to guys that have been whining over the unfair treament from APA/AMR/God/Career Choices, 9/11, etc.

Never called anybody a moron, a prick or whatever, but the ex-TWA crowd sure have.

Whatever, I am loosing interest.

Should we kiss and make up? :D
Mr Ty,

You do seem a bit edgy about ATA pilots opinions regarding seniority. Would you not expect some of the same reactions from your pilot group if the tables were turned? With the level of experience attained by the fine captains at ATA, it is natural for them to expect some consideration toward retaining some of their seniority. In reality, I think we all know that there is a good possibility that we won't even be lucky enough to have anyone look at our resumes down there.

Hey, you picked the right place to be during the most difficult time ever for an airline pilot. Give the ATA guys a break. Quit busting their @#lls.

Lets all be like Fonzie. What's Fonzie like?
He's Cool. Correctomundo!

Dang cat! He ran off with my beer again!
Just a question... If AirTran were to take some ATA pilots, who would go? We obviously could not need all of them. Would we take just MDW 737 pilots? What about the ATA seniority list? Suppose we only took 100 pilots, which 100 would go? Lots of questions....
Tristar--Please, for your own sake, do not get too comfortable with the "protections" offered by your frag clause. I hope it does protect you(that would be the first time I've seen one work).

But, as I said before, the creditors will not let a frag clause stand in the way of a successful(by their standards) resolution of the ATA Ch. 11.

Sec. 1113 allows the bankruptcy judge to void all or part of a labor agreement if it is requested by the company during the proceedings. We've seen this during UAL and USAir. The mere threat of 1113 brought USAir's MEC to its knees.

Good luck.TC
AA717driver said:
Tristar--Please, for your own sake, do not get too comfortable with the "protections" offered by your frag clause. I hope it does protect you(that would be the first time I've seen one work).

But, as I said before, the creditors will not let a frag clause stand in the way of a successful(by their standards) resolution of the ATA Ch. 11.

Sec. 1113 allows the bankruptcy judge to void all or part of a labor agreement if it is requested by the company during the proceedings. We've seen this during UAL and USAir. The mere threat of 1113 brought USAir's MEC to its knees.

Good luck.TC
Very good advice. I feel for the ATA folks but I'd be willing to bet that the frag. clause will eventually not be worth the paper it is written on. One only has to look at history to see how these things will play out. Once the lawyers and the creditors discover the slightest financial problem the clause will cause, it will be shredded and bastardized or outright overruled by a bankruptcy judge. No doubt about it.

And what about ALPA helping to fight this? Well, I wouldn't hold my breath for anything other than a cursory legal position and a limp legal or union response.

You're being to polite about the USAIR MEC.
Tristar--Please, for your own sake, do not get too comfortable with the "protections" offered by your frag clause. I hope it does protect you(that would be the first time I've seen one work).
To quote myself,
I also recognize that our contract may well be trashed before all is said and done
I'm all too aware that having our contract dismantled is a distinct probability. My only point being that Ty doesn't seem to think we have any right to expect anything. We do, I just expect that right to be trampled like every other recent occurance. I seriously doubt it will occur with us, but it would be nice if someday the industry as a whole would realize that we are destroying ourselves little by little.

Never say never. Remember when we were negotiating the contract and they said the best we could hope for was about 30% and some 401K matching?
I'm ever the optimist - I belive the AirTran deal is not a good one for the company (as a whole) or the creditors. ATA is _much_ more valuable intact, and I still believe that someone out there recognizes that value and would like to take advantage of it. Frankly, I think AirTran is missing the boat with their whole proposal.

New offers are on the table.

I don't see AirTran making the final cut. AirTran may get a few gates in MDW but that's all.

On another note: I spoke to certain MEC officers and I was told that the AWA's merger committee, if required, will treat the ATA pilots with respect.

Treat others how you want to be treated and good Karma will follow.

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