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AirTran Pilots...

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Too many idiotic statements for me to reply to all of them. .

Well, here's one more for you . . . . Ever see the movie "Old School"?

Will Farrell is running naked down the street, streaking. The funny part is, he thinks all the guys are with him, but it's just him, being a fool, running down the street with his hairy ass hanging out.

That is you, my friend. The Company stopped running with you about two years ago, and your fellow pilots stopped, too. It's just you, and your naked hairy ass running down the street.

Merry Christmas.

"Yea I am one of the many military leaders running our military. Notice I said leader. I realize the concept of leadership is a very foreign concept to you so I'll save you the explanation."

That statement may impress all the C-152 drivers out there but we both know how much leading is going on in the left seat of your KC-135; about as much as is going on in the left seat of the B717. Save the self righteous crap for the military board. As far as the current situation goes if we had any true leaders some people in key positions would be looking for employment elsewhere. True leaders do not allow their troops to be treated the way they have here at Airtran. A true leader would be out in front of his troops leading the way in time of conflict. As it is our fearless leaders will be at home with their families while the rest of us are forced to press on and defend the fort without them.
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I don't know about the Air force but in the Army leadership like that would be the recipient of a little fratricide.


Dude, can ya letz me know yer schdule an stuff, cause I aint wantin to be in Freaking Newport Newz or da Dee-Efff-Dubya swillin wit ole Ty Guy and like seein you come in wit a sawed-off and like go all Full Metal Jacket and stuff. Didz ya werk fer da Postal Service, my brother from Sling Blade's mother???????

Say dis like when you feelin dat anger and stuff.................................

"I reckon I aintz gotz no reason to kill nobody"
"I reckon I aintz gotz no reason to kill nobody"
"I reckon I aintz gotz no reason to kill nobody"

Awwww yeeaahhh, you feelin better now, Lord of War?????????

Peace, bro, give freaking peace a chance!!!!!

Dude, can ya letz me know yer schdule an stuff, cause I aint wantin to be in Freaking Newport Newz or da Dee-Efff-Dubya swillin wit ole Ty Guy and like seein you come in wit a sawed-off and like go all Full Metal Jacket and stuff. Didz ya werk fer da Postal Service, my brother from Sling Blade's mother???????

Say dis like when you feelin dat anger and stuff.................................

"I reckon I aintz gotz no reason to kill nobody"
"I reckon I aintz gotz no reason to kill nobody"
"I reckon I aintz gotz no reason to kill nobody"

Awwww yeeaahhh, you feelin better now, Lord of War?????????

Peace, bro, give freaking peace a chance!!!!!

Sorry, too much coffee this morning! Peace out!
"The reason is because the military makes sacrifices for the country so that cowards like yourself can have a nice Christmas home with your family. We don't whine and complain because the contract we signed didn't specifically say that we may have to forfeit our Christmas leave during times of crisis. This is a time of crisis for our airline."

I didn't volunteer to join FL to have my schooling and flight training paid for and oh yeah by the way go USA. This is a job I was hired on to do based on a contractual aggreement. If I get a letter from coach for forgetting to sign in (not really even in the contract) I have every right to expect the same from the company.

By the way, calling me a coward and a whiner over the internet is definitely not a cowardly thing to do. Enjoy that small circle of friends you have of company men.
Well, here's one more for you . . . . Ever see the movie "Old School"?

Will Farrell is running naked down the street, streaking. The funny part is, he thinks all the guys are with him, but it's just him, being a fool, running down the street with his hairy ass hanging out.

That is you, my friend. The Company stopped running with you about two years ago, and your fellow pilots stopped, too. It's just you, and your naked hairy ass running down the street.

Merry Christmas.


Thanks for the visual! Great movie by the way.
No, your generosity will not be rewarded . . . your union signed 6 LOA's with the company so far, and got zero, zilch, squat, nada, not even a handful of magic beans. Management got huge, obscene bonuses, and you got your sick policy changed, your re-assignment pay changed, your reserve use policy changed. Wake up, man!

Why does our union continue to agree to LOA's when the company gives nothing in return? One I understand, but 6??
Why does our union continue to agree to LOA's when the company gives nothing in return? One I understand, but 6??

I believe the majority were pre A P. You can call the office any time and ask any questions you want instead of idle speculation here.
Guys who are junior and only got x-mas off due to a glitch, well, your gonna get hosed.. But, you shouldn't of gotten it off in the first place.

SAP 2 is first come first served with no regard to seniority. Why should a junior pilot not have Christmas off if he's one of the first ones to request it in SAP 2? SAP 1 is seniority based, right?

And yes I'm junior and I am working Christmas for normal pay since it was in my line.
Well, here's one more for you . . . . Ever see the movie "Old School"?

Will Farrell is running naked down the street, streaking. The funny part is, he thinks all the guys are with him, but it's just him, being a fool, running down the street with his hairy ass hanging out.

That is you, my friend. The Company stopped running with you about two years ago, and your fellow pilots stopped, too. It's just you, and your naked hairy ass running down the street.

Merry Christmas.


Ironically Ty the scene you just described perfectly describes your situation with regards to the our Union. You thought you were leading the charge of "damn the company on Christmas" (with the union supporting you all the way). Now we find out that the Union has done what I have been saying all along (not messing up our reputation and financial balance sheet on Christmas)

You just turned around and found that you (and your silly band of morons) are running down the street with your hairy asses hanging out. The rest of the company is following the union leadership.

As for USARET, in the AF we don't stay in one job for our whole career, we take on more responsibility and leadership roles. Roles like squadron, wing and numbered Air Force leadership roles. I would think you, more than most, would understand about doing the right thing when your services are needed. I would hate to have been under your leadership in a combat situation.

Good Day

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