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AirTran Pilots Fired!!!!!!!

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Great post. You hit it spot on. Great summary on how stupid some are in this country. Do not even get me started with our Cuba policy.:mad: Hypocrites.

Right, bring back Jimmy Carter :rolleyes:
Lear -

Correct me if I am wrong here, but isn't management defending their pay cut proposal by saying A) we took a 15% pay cut ourselves already (without of course saying that they got a 30% raise in the first place a few months ago) and B) that they need to show "good will" to Boeing to prevent Boeing from taking back their 717's ??
Not only did they get a raise, but they are not including their bonuses in their pay cut.

In other words, their base compensation makes up about 20% of their TOTAL compensation. If they take a 15% pay cut on their BASE compensation but still take bonuses, stock options, etc, they took a 1% pay cut.

Great. Thanks. Sod off.

What I also fail to see is why it always is people seem to think that a 11% pay cut actually makes a difference... That equals 1 week of fuel for all airplanes if that.

You said it...
Obama=Change you can believe in= You better believe there is going to be change !!! The New Yorker was not far off.

CHANGE==TO WHAT ?????? I like the AOL poll 200,000 people across the country voted(if you can imagine that) 68% Mccain and 32%Obama.
1) Good thing AOL is not the real thing. Especially since most of those "voters" where most likely kids.

2) Thread hijack ?????

3) Mesa rocks !

(I was being sarcastic...)
BSkin, nothing is a "done deal" until it's over. The company could find some expansion that was too lucrative to pass up, and find the financing they need to get more planes and go for it... aviation is dynamic that way. However, I believe this environment isn't likely to give them that opportunity in the near future, and they will probably put at least half their posted number on the street, if not all of them, unless some side deal is reached AND Leaves of Absence are offered and taken.

I have no "insider information" that tells me it's a bluff, but wouldn't put it past senior management to mess with people's lives like that... they've done it before. My personal gut instinct is that the termination threat is real and they'll pull the trigger on it if their hand is forced.

My personal gut instinct is also that the NPA BoD will reach some kind of side deal to turn the "terminations" into the furloughs they should be, but give up the training instructors clause to do it with some kind of "Leave of Absence" program, likely without travel benefits or insurance (which will lower the incentive to take them), but that's just an educated guess, based on the emails we've been getting as a group - again, I have no insider knowledge on this subject, just "reading between the lines" and going on company past practice - they get what they want most of the time.

That change would not require Member Ratification, and would pass with only the BoD voting; I don't think we can get Member Ratification passed in time. I DO NOT mean to say that I think that such a deal should fail (although I'd say, as MB did initially, that there should be a LOT more to it to sign such a deal), but mainly I'm simply VERY angry, to say the least, that the company would pull such a stunt, threaten the lives of 177 of their employees, alienate those employees FOR LIFE, all for something that could have been likely negotiated peacefully.
I think we should call their bluff and let them terminate the 177. Who in their right mind would ever interview here again after something like that happened.
I think we should call their bluff and let them terminate the 177. Who in their right mind would ever interview here again after something like that happened.

As sad as it is, the list would be long, if not unlimited. PFT commuters prove that.

Management would laugh all the way to the bank at the expense of the 177.

Airline management must have a very warped way of being able to look themselves in the mirror in the morning.
>>>>Obama=Change you can believe in= You better believe there is going to be change !!! <<<<<

Yeah, change is going to be all that's left in your pocket when Obama gets done with your paycheck.
>>>>Obama=Change you can believe in= You better believe there is going to be change !!! <<<<<

Yeah, change is going to be all that's left in your pocket when Obama gets done with your paycheck.

Funny you should say that when McCain is the one in FAVOR of foriegn airlines here in the US to "promote compitition which will lower fares and is good for the consumer." Take that to also mean lower wages, more days at work, less QOL. That is when all you have is change in your pocket.

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