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AirTran Pilots Fired!!!!!!!

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It goes without saying but this is completely ridiculous. Perhaps management forgot that this is a service business and employee morale is critical to service delivery... Aaaah, but they don't care. Sure, the economy is in the tank and oil has never been this high, but TERMINATING pilots (many of whom left solid regional jobs for a chance to be at the bottom of AirTran's list) vs. furloughing them is a hit below the belt.

I am sure you guys are already considering your response, but I know that I would back a commensurate response. This is a back-handed slap to the face! Accepting it would encourage more management actions like this in the future.

Good luck to everyone involved!
Union website was down for a day or two last weekend, it seems to be down again now. I get an occasional ping out of the host server, but it looks like the server itself is offline.

I believe we use a portion of the company's server for the NPA main website and, although I'm told they have NO access to the message board (I'm sure there's several moles in the ranks), I found myself wondering if the message board is on their server and, if so, if the company yanked that access to that portion of it after the pilots have started a rally to reject ANY concessionary deal.

Wouldn't surprise me with everything else the company has pulled.

Interestingly, the NPA main website is still up...
Im very surprised it took this long to get this group riled up.

We've been getting pissed on for years, if you don't know what I'm talking about, you haven't been paying attention.

Management at this place are bullies and the only thing that gets a bullies attention is a quick roundhouse to the jaw. Stand up to him and he'll stop picking on you.

I hope we're all on the same page.
The 177 don't need recall rights. I don't think a recall will ever happen anyways. Unfortunately, this is probably the beginning of the end for the torch jet.
Torch jet. Classy....
Beat me to it...

People, you DO understand that you can make your point WITHOUT the totally-classless reference to a tragedy the flight crew had NO control over that resulted in the DEATH of every soul on board,,,

Even if you want to bash AirTran which, it seems, even the employees are beginning to do (and I agree, that's not a good sign for long-term airline viability, although I wouldn't write the airline's obit JUST yet),

Have a little more respect for those who have "gone West" ahead of us.
How is boycotting a faltering operation going to help the pilots there keep their jobs? Would that not only make more of them lose out?

Boycotts can be very effective, however the management of the company has to know that it is happening, know why it is happening and it has to be done by a large enough percentage of the consumers to put a real dent in the bottom line.

Like when the NAACP tells Wal Mart, Bi-Lo and Winn-Dixie to stop selling Maurice's BBQ Sauce or none of the African-Americans will be patronizing your establishment...

Of course there are times that managements should tell would-be boycotters to urinate up a rope! Besides, I can still get my BBQ sauce from other sources...so now it's me that doesn't go to walmart, but my one man boycot doesn't carry much clout.

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