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Airport body scanners violate Islamic law, Muslims say

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Send them through the line of contraband sniffing pigs... followed by the pig skin glove pat down.... then the pork rind crunch walk and upon completion of all of the above they can then have a seat in the smooth vietnamese pot bellied pig leather couch to await their aircraft. Free Smithfield's barbecue for all.
I'm pretty sure the 4th amendment was written to protect ourselves from this stuff.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

If random drug testing doesn't violate the 4th, then this doesn't violate the 4th either. You don't have to submit to the scan, just don't board an airplane.
Ironic how their religion won't allow them to use body scanners, yet their religion that is the REASON we have them to begin with!:confused:
In addition, I think every flight in the US should be a "Pork and Porn" flight with a Bethlaham Pointer instead of Mecca pointer. No burcas and turbines allowed.
That was easy
Wow. Using aircraft as WMD and trying to blow up 255 innocent people at Christmas violates my Christian law. Luckily there's still Amtrak and Greyhound..
Wow. Using aircraft as WMD and trying to blow up 255 innocent people at Christmas violates my Christian law. Luckily there's still Amtrak and Greyhound..

Funny how no one is passing any fatwas about not sneaking explosives onto airplanes or killing innocent people, but body scanners warrant an immediate religious decree.

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