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Age 60 informal poll

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Abolish the Age 60 Rule for other that Part 91 pilots?

  • Yea

    Votes: 668 35.5%
  • Nay

    Votes: 1,214 64.5%

  • Total voters
Now Klako, then, he must be the best of the best. He has it all, LCC skills and years of experience. And yet you all treat him any any other pilot that disagrees with you with a lack of respect. All he wants to do, like me, is to continue in his profession as any person should have a right to do. And like you will all want to do too, that is if you really love this profession.

The lack of respect here lies with you and Klako. You act like no one has ever skippered a widebody before you. Klako asserts his job is like a piece of property, as though he has a deed to it. There are pilots who came before you, and there are pilots who will come after you. Be happy you got to take a turn at it, and be proud to pass it on.

Another thing that is really starting to bother me is that for you to fly past 60, your other crewmembers have to be under age 60. You have only mild regard for this situation and I think that shows a lack of respect. You didn't have to bear this unique burden, why should your co-workers? Respect goes both ways, your last several posts display a huge lack of respect on your part. You're even mouthing off about accidents! Easy does it...You're better than that, cool it.
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Wow, I'm speechless.... UndauntedFlyer actually admitted he makes mistakes. Not only that, but he ALSO admitted that the FO's probably catch more of his mistakes than he does of theirs.

Now, let's see here... experience levels, yes!

From regional FO's to regional captain to mainline narrowbody FO to widebody FO to narrowbody captain to widebody captain.

Undaunted, you leave, and you see the trail you leave behind? And you allude that your FO's aren't ready to replace you... see what I mean by spitting in the face of every UAL pilot junior to you?
Now, does anyone really believe that by having our most experienced pilots retire while in what I believe to be the peak of their career, replaced by a new hire starting at the bottom of the pile, that that will make the world safer for the traveling public? I certainly think not and it is the majority of the ARC comments that agree with my view.

Undaunted, you're an idiot. Do you have any idea at all on how a pilot career and a seniority list works? So, did you hire on as a 777 captain?? You were never a new hire, right? You must've been hired straight to the almighty left seat with umpteen thousand hours and an impossibly large ego to boot.

Get a clue, moron; every pilot has to start at the ground floor, do their time and work their way up the list, building experience, just like you did. Did you forget where you came from or are you too wrapped up in your Captain's ego to care?
Undaunted, you're an idiot. Do you have any idea at all on how a pilot career and a seniority list works? So, did you hire on as a 777 captain?? You were never a new hire, right? You must've been hired straight to the almighty left seat with umpteen thousand hours and an impossibly large ego to boot.

Get a clue, moron; every pilot has to start at the ground floor, do their time and work their way up the list, building experience, just like you did. Did you forget where you came from or are you too wrapped up in your Captain's ego to care?

Your post makes no sense. Clearly I said that my replacement comes to the bottom of the pile, meaning the new-hire f/o at some commuter/regional airlline.
Your post makes no sense. Clearly I said that my replacement comes to the bottom of the pile, meaning the new-hire f/o at some commuter/regional airlline.

No, your replacement comes from your own seniority list, someone who it would not be going out on a limb to say has plenty of experience. The new hire replaces someone much farther down the list, someone else altogether.
But alas, your profile shows only 17,500 hr... and that's after 37 years? That isn't much, sounds like you're a green, inexperienced low timer to me... but what do I know, I'm only 37 with 15,000 hrs. Just a young, inexperienced junior punk, right?

I have taken the time to add up my log book. My new TT has been changed in my profile.
Does UAL allow over 60 instructors?

Undauntedflyer, does UAL allow over 60 year old instructors in its training department? And if so have you already been promised continued employment in the training department?
Undauntedflyer, does UAL allow over 60 year old instructors in its training department? And if so have you already been promised continued employment in the training department?

No they do not have any over age 60 flight instructors in the training department. ALPA has put a stop to any chance of allowing the over age 60 guys back in any capacity. This has been the policy for years.
I think the trng depts should be run exclusively by retired pilots. I don't think any airline needs sim instructors making 350K who could be out on the line raising the mortgage. In fact I think ALPA should buy sims, formulate a trng dept, and provide trng like FSI for airlines. Perfect ALPA trng to the point that individual airline trng is no longer economically viable. Airlines will drop their own trng depts, and someday that will be useful for pilot labor...in the mean time we'll get better trng. There's a retirement project for you right there Undaunted!

Now back to grumping at you: You like to mention accidents as they compare to experience. I got one for you: It's not an accident, but it's no less a debacle that should be investigated the same way. Remember when PW announced "I've saved the A fund!"? Didn't pan out too well, did it? The overwhelming, urgent demands of the senior imperative sold out better than half the list, and they still took your money. Most of the UAL pilots I know are junior and not one of them didn't see that coming. What happened? How did that chain of errors not get broken? (Maybe your FOs should be required to be under 35? Cause they had that one figured out!) Are we about to make the same error with a retirement age change? Maybe. Wouldn't matter to you I'm afraid, you're locked in on it! You're not listening to anybody!

Stop hitting up your co-workers with your overwhelming, urgent needs. Tell the ARC about it. Tell them UAL has more cash on hand than they ever have and before GT buys another airline he owes you a retirement check! Make THAT your cause instead of age 65.
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