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Age 60 informal poll

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Abolish the Age 60 Rule for other that Part 91 pilots?

  • Yea

    Votes: 668 35.5%
  • Nay

    Votes: 1,214 64.5%

  • Total voters

Not all Federal laws are bad either. Age 60 isn't perfect but it is a lot better than the proposal. The unintended consequences of the new law will be a more unsafe air transport system. When you propose something better than Age 60 I will listen. H.R. 65/S. 65 will make things worse. It will be worse for the traveling public and for those of us stuck flying with guys well past their prime. They need to go.


If these guys are successful at changing the law – they must be put at the end of the seniority list. There is no data – none – about pilots flying Part 121 over the age of 60.

The flying public must not be made guinea pigs in their greedy quest to steal our seniority numbers.

Every pilot over the age of 60, hired under the Age 60 retirement law, must go to the end of the seniority list.

Public safety and our careers demand it. Make no mistake about it; if you are junior these pilots are attempting to economically damage your career. Don’t let these greedy bastards pick your pockets.

So much for the brotherhood.

Not all Federal statutes are good, or just, or appropriate to the world we live in today. Most of the guys I fly with...including ones who are adamant against changing the retirement age for the reason you mentioned...nevertheless believe that immigration laws should be changed. Why, I ask? Many of those policies have been in place longer than the retirement age. Why change them now?

And why are we working towards a change in laws dealing with how pensions and labor contracts are handled in bankruptcy? Aren't the laws in place "the ones we were hired under?" Of course they are. But as it turns out, they don't adequately cover all situations, and only a change in the rules affecting everybody will rectify that fact.

"Forty years ago," AA was flying DC-6's, the largest plane in their fleet had about the same capacity as a stretched 737, and it took 10-15 years to make left seat at a junior base. The rules you were hired under were very similar...do you really want to hold fast to them, as well?

Whistlin' Dan,

Now we’re talking about immigration laws to justify your greedy act.

Gee, then I think the part of our contract that states our seniority number is bogus too. Let’s change that while we’re at it and put all pilots over the age of 60 at the end of the list. That seniority list that you’re on is not etched in stone.

Your rationalization about how it just fine to steal from the junior guys on the property is mind boggling. The senior pilots stand to gain a steep windfall from this change. Where do you think the extra money is coming from?

I hope you can look in the mirror when you keep our furlough pilots at AA out on the streets another 3 – 5 years just because you think the law is bad and to satisfy your selfish greed. You have had years to plan for this; you should have charted your career better.


Total BS. I suppose you were hired in the 50's??

You have known about Age 60 since the day you were hired and now that you're senior you are trying to change the rules in the middle of the game -- that's total BS!!!!


My job and seniority is something that no one should have the right to take away from me. Those of you who think that the forced retirement of senior pilots is your God given path to seniority progression had better re-evaluate your career plans as change is coming soon. The age 60 rule has always been wrong and it is high time that we put an end to it.

My airline has never provided its pilots a pension. We only have a 401K. I have planed my career as best as I can. I served in the military for 20 years, 11 years over seas including Vietnam. Now I would now like to help my parents who recently moved into an assisted living care home and my daughter with college. The financial obligations only increase for most people around the age of 60.

Most important, I truely love my job and I am damn good at it.

I chose to work at my present airline job in 1989 over flying for a major airline for two reasons. First, is my desire to live in my hometown and not have to commute. Second, I chose my airline company because at that time, it was a very a stable Part 135 carrier and I was counting on flying until retiring at age 65. Then in 1995 the FAA forced us to convert to Part 121, thus destroying my plans of flying to 65. I was promoted to Captain through expansion not attrition.

I fly for the best regional airline in the world. What made us the best is the work ethic of our employees.

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I'll save UF the keystrokes: "Well said Klako. A most noteworthy and laudatory analysis".
I'll save UF the keystrokes: "Well said Klako. A most noteworthy and laudatory analysis".

Or, as the Guinness guys would say, "Brilliant!" Not.

I dunno though, Klako has posted that exact same paragragh maybe a dozen or more times now... maybe even UF is getting tired of reading it? Yawn...

There is no data – none – about pilots flying Part 121 over the age of 60.


There is actually some data that can be mined for comparison of accident/incapacitation rates of over-60 pilots versus the average for their peers:

1) Operations under 121 before "emergency" imposition of the Rule;

2) Operations by "grandfathered" pilots after the 135-Scheduled regionals were FAR119-bridged into FAR 121.
There are also 1000's of over 60 pilots flying under much more demanding conditions than 121. Part 135, Part 125, Part 91. There is lots of data to determine the fitness of over 60 pilots to continue flying under part 121.

Asking you or foxhunter if you think the law should be changed to 65 is like asking my six year old if he should get to stay up late and watch movies and eat candy. Just because he thinks it's a good idea doesn't make it one.

I respect you for taking care of your folks and your daughter. That's nice that you want to help all of them financially. It doesn't give you a trump card or justification though. What I am hearing is "hey I have a lot of expenses right now and I need to keep working." That isn't the law or a good reason to change the law. My kid likes to stay up late too. I need to protect him from that as his dad. The Age 60 law is the government's way of protecting the rest of us from the likes of you and foxhunter.

The Federal government does have the right to tell you when it is time to quit. When you turn 60 it's time for you to retire. That is the law and it is better than what is on the table. Talk about age discrimination. I have to be younger than 60 to fly as your FO after you turn 60? That is really discriminatory...adding insult to financial injury. Nevertheless, the law as it stands is as good as it gets. Propose something better not something that benefits you personally. It's not all about you. It's about what is right for the people in this country. We can ill afford an air disaster caused by the buffonery of some grandpa who should have been working as a starter at a golf course, not flying around our skies as an airline captain.

Maybe you were a "dang" good airline guy one time...no doubt a conceited one...and most of the arrogant ones aren't as good as they think they are. Still, you won't be as good at 64 as you were in your heyday...that is a fact. You were promoted to Captain because of the era in which your daddy's sperm swam up to your mommy's egg. Times have changed. Move on old timer.

Young guys write to your lawmakers:


Only we can stop these lunatics from flying to their graves.
I hope you can look in the mirror when you keep our furlough pilots at AA out on the streets another 3 – 5 years just because you think the law is bad and to satisfy your selfish greed. You have had years to plan for this; you should have charted your career better.
Ahhh, you're finally revealing the REAL reason you're against changing the rule...you want to force hundreds of guys at every airline into early retirement so you can bring your junior guys off of furlough.

It doesn't take a masters degree in Airline Management to know the reason you have guys on furlough, and it has nothing to do with the age 60 rule. Your guys are on the street because your airline has more seats available than they do a$$es to fill them.

Fix that little problem, and your problems with "age 60" and "guys on the street" will be over.

Maybe your managers should have "charted their strategic needs," especially as they regard pilot manning, better...

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