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Age 60 informal poll

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Abolish the Age 60 Rule for other that Part 91 pilots?

  • Yea

    Votes: 668 35.5%
  • Nay

    Votes: 1,214 64.5%

  • Total voters
With Malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds.
Abraham Lincoln
I'm getting tired of being mad at this.

Undaunted: You fought B scale and won, that was a biggie.

I DO wish no one was furloughed. But for my own needs? I don't care as much if I remain junior.

Let's get the furloughs back and then let's get some dough for the senior crowd too.
Let's get the furloughs back and then let's get some dough for the senior crowd too.

What Undaunted is not telling everyone here is that he pocketed more than $500K (probably MUCH more; I haven't checked on the details) in stock and bonds as compensation for the loss of his pension. He's already received a lot of dough.
What Undaunted is not telling everyone here is that he pocketed more than $500K (probably MUCH more; I haven't checked on the details) in stock and bonds as compensation for the loss of his pension. He's already received a lot of dough.

Sorry, but what Andy writes is not correct. I do wish it were true but that's not the case for me. But either way what we are talking about here is ending discrimination: Age discrimination and discrimination against Americans.

That is the only topic of discussion for consideration. Should discrimination such as the age 60 rule be ended now or later when you're 59? That is the only question. And then if it's when you're 59, should it only for those who are destitute to fly past 60? Money has nothing to do with the principle of whether discrimination should be ended, but it is a driving force.

So should this discrimination be ended now or when you're 59.

Undaunted Flyer
On the road in HNL…..
Sorry, but what Andy writes is not correct. I do wish it were true but that's not the case for me. But either way what we are talking about here is ending discrimination: Age discrimination and discrimination against Americans.
I was only on the property for 11 months before I was furloughed, and I got about $5000. How long have you been there?
And, again, why is 65 not discrimination? I'm with Flop...tired of banging my head against the schtoopid wall. It ain't about discrimination.
And, again, why is 65 not discrimination? I'm with Flop...tired of banging my head against the schtoopid wall. It ain't about discrimination.

You mean you don't see this a discrimination against Americans? What is it then when all the airlines in the world can fly here but not Americans? Even a redneck truck driver with a gun rack in the cab can understand this.

Undaunted Flyer
On the road from HNL

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