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AA recall rumors/gossip

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The AE guys coming over who already have seniority numbers aren't spring chickens. I would say they fit with the AA demographics being mostly between 47-57.

If Eagle is sold the guys with numbers still flow, but I believe the 824 guys that are supposed to be brought over with newhires off the street would be in jeopardy.

The 824 ARE included in the flow with newbies......eventually ,there will be over a thousand AE pilots at AA.....
Nope, sorry, I'm not a DFW management lackey, far from it... I'm an APA SPC volunteer and hard core unionist who just happens to look at cold hard business facts... and the facts are that AMR has been shocked into reality and will now spend the next few years playing catch up... which means a lot of growth for us (and leverage for our pilots.)

What cities/bases do you expect the growth? How many airframes, total, do you foresee on the property (not including Eagle)?

Stlflyguy.... From what we've been told, AA will focus on the "cornerpost" hubs (JFK, MIA, DFW, LAX) which is where they are most profitable. I'd say JFK, MIA and LAX will see a lot of growth, slightly less at DFW. ORD seems to be the big if, I think AMR will stay constant there since they have not been as profitable there competing against UACO/Star.

Regarding fleet, lots of changes coming up. There will most likely be a new fleet coming on to the property soon - think 777-300 or along those lines - along with the the much needed 100 seat gap filler, and also replacements for the domestic 757s (which are costing a lot of $$$ in maintenance due to expired warranties.)

Needless to say, there will be a lot of movement coming up in the next few years.
Yeah because flying a 737 is so much harder than an rj. It always makes me laugh when I read job requirements requesting "heavy jet time" and that rj time or private jets don't make the cut. It's safe to say that my corporate jet I fly has the same automation, higher climb rate (thrust to weight ratio), and matched speed as a 737, but it doesn't count because it's not heavy enough.

I would like to see the AA heavy drives get in an Eagle Saab or ATR and fly 6 legs a day with the autopilot deferred. I've done the Saab and it was far more challenging with it's dated systems and flight characteristics than any jet I've flown. Also the Saab ground school was a nightmare compared to the jets I've flown.

Just my two cents.

Wow...impressive, dont think I could handle it.


In fact...you are 100% correct (and I am not being facetious)...there is no F&%^$@g way I could/would fly 6 legs a day with no autopilot on a Tprop....because by leg two I would have called in sick or told the CP to do it himself or....oh never mind


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Not so dude,

They finally pay you what you're worth, you would change your lifestyle and fly the flights. We all would. Instead they will try to belittle you and downgrade, offset, outsource our jobs till all flights are RJ's with multiple stops, or legs and you are doing it for 1/500 the amount. Either way, we must continue to do the crappy flying along with the crown jewel legs.

Don't forget, somewhere on the planet, chicks dig pilots!
No slots left at JFK!

However, you could buy jetblue, get slots, another new terminal, MD-80 replacements in the 320 and 100 seat jets in the 190, plus a great purchase price on more 190's. Additionally, the jetblue pilots are non unionized, so you can probably do with them as you please!
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Or knowing amrs past history of poor descions they merge with usair and then close bases:puke:

Nope, sorry, I'm not a DFW management lackey, far from it... I'm an APA SPC volunteer and hard core unionist who just happens to look at cold hard business facts... and the facts are that AMR has been shocked into reality and will now spend the next few years playing catch up... which means a lot of growth for us (and leverage for our pilots.)

I hope your right. My problem is that I have no confidence in the senior managment. They've sucked as we've shrunk and I predict they will suck as we grow. Ever see Arpey in person? any pilot can bamboozle him with a question that will have him looking at the floor while he tries to imagine putting on a poker face. That's where Hettermann learned his filibuster skills. When you're clueless, talk about nothing.

If you tried that with Crandall or Bob Baker, you'd be carved and cooked in under 15 seconds, and they'd proceed to do that to 75 other pilots asking questions until everyone was bloodied. They knew their sheet.

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