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9E, 9L, XJ JCBA Deadline Extension

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I think more realistically the numbers are a single 9E FO now pays $15 a paycheck. Under this proposal he would pay approx. $55 a paycheck. A 9E FO on a family plan now pays $75.00 a paycheck. Under the proposal he would pay approx. $150 a paycheck.

XJ guys now pay $60 a paycheck for single and $180 a paycheck for family.

This increase is equal to about $1/hr in pay. Not that I condone any raise in 9Es medical, but let's use real numbers, not made up ones.

amazingly a CJC pilot who has the worst pay scale of the three airlines, pays (top tier) 120/check single and about 260 per check family.

I think more realistically the numbers are a single 9E FO now pays $15 a paycheck. Under this proposal he would pay approx. $55 a paycheck. A 9E FO on a family plan now pays $75.00 a paycheck. Under the proposal he would pay approx. $150 a paycheck.

XJ guys now pay $60 a paycheck for single and $180 a paycheck for family.

This increase is equal to about $1/hr in pay. Not that I condone any raise in 9Es medical, but let's use real numbers, not made up ones.

That math only reflects the increased cost of the health insurance premiums. If an FO has to actually go to the doctor, he is further disadvantaged. Dental will also be another add on cost that PCL pilots do not currently incur. Its going to take more than a buck an hour on pay scales to keep PCL FOs from taking a pay hit on this new contract. Pay cuts are not going to get this thing ratified.
That math only reflects the increased cost of the health insurance premiums. If an FO has to actually go to the doctor, he is further disadvantaged. Dental will also be another add on cost that PCL pilots do not currently incur. Its going to take more than a buck an hour on pay scales to keep PCL FOs from taking a pay hit on this new contract. Pay cuts are not going to get this thing ratified.

Well... Since it's not a TA'd, published item, we really don't know that. Even then you maybe talking $1.10-$1.20/hr. The total cost is definitely not $250/month or $3/hr as was alluded to. That was my only point, those figures were way off.
amazingly a CJC pilot who has the worst pay scale of the three airlines, pays (top tier) 120/check single and about 260 per check family.


Someone should post what Mesaba's and Colgan's deductibles, max out of pocket limits and co-pays are. At Pinnacle the most you will pay for health care if you are single is 720 in premiums plus the 1700 max out of pocket for the year. Two years ago one of our pilots ran up over 100K in medical bills in one event and paid 1500 out of his own pocket.

Also keep in mind that out of pocket expenses are after tax. For a CA with a family the annual increase in pay to cover the raised deductible and max limit will need to be 40% more than that just to cover the tax bill.

But this is all irrelevant anyway. The Company is doing this to get a free look at what the Mesaba pilots will ask for in their next section 6 negotiations. If they ask for more than the Company is willing to pay the Company may make other plans.
XJ...Based on Plan I. We also have an HRA, but this would be closest in comparison with 9E.

500/1000 single/family deductible
1750/1850 single/family max out of pocket
$20 copay
$10 Generic meds
It's foolish to vote down a contract for 1 item in 1 section, you MUST look at the contract as a whole.

By your logic, you would vote down a contract that paid $5.00 an hour for first year FOs, without looking at the 2000 hour a month guarantee.

**The numbers were exaggerated on purpose, to prove the the point**

Fine, vote down my logic. When you put all factors together I wlll not vote in favor of a contract that is a net pay cut. You don't like it? Recall me.
Fine, vote down my logic. When you put all factors together I wlll not vote in favor of a contract that is a net pay cut. You don't like it? Recall me.

I would hope you vote based on what the pilots you represent want, and not what you personally want. I would not want my reps to vote for a contract that has a NET pay cut either, but I will also look at the contract as a whole before I judge one section as a NET pay cut.

The block or better per leg will add about 3-4 hours credit per month.
The min day will add about 3-4 hours credit per month.
The leg guarantee will protect any loss in credit from a cancellation (never had it, so I won't guess at hrs saved).
The 75% DH pay will add credit to our current pay.
Etc., Etc., Etc.

Overall a $75-$100 increase in medical sounds as a pay cut, but when you look at all the other advances (a lot better than the TA), it's not a pay cut at all. And for the 9L and XJ guys, it's actually a savings.
The leg guarantee will protect any loss in credit from a cancellation (never had it, so I won't guess at hrs saved).

Never had cancellation? How do you bid that in PBS? " Avoid Cancellations 1000 pts"?
Never had cancellation? How do you bid that in PBS? " Avoid Cancellations 1000 pts"?

No. Right now we have trip guarantee. If a leg cancels we get what the trip is worth. Maybe losing overtime, from block or better per leg.

This new, leg guarantee, would protect pay on a leg by leg basis. If a flight cancels, you would not lose any gained credit. So, I have no idea what that would be worth. But better than what we got now.
Don't forget about the big tax increase (less take home pay) coming Jan1, thanks to ALPO's man in the white house.
Bottom tax rate from 10% to 15% a 50% increase on most FO's. Thanks ALPO.

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