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Easties will get their raise. They will get backpay, and they will get a reissuance of the arbitration.

Make damn sure you put that Crack Pipe down a few weeks before your next medical !!!!

Just curious what color is the sky in your world???
I suspect you would feel a little less smug and clever were you wearing their shoes. Sit down with an Airways East guy or gal sometime and ask them about their career. You'll be singing a different tune.

PS-Are you one of those guys who goes around calling his fellow pilots short-sighted morons but also complains vehemetly at the slightest suggestion of Legacy pilot snobery directed towards Air Tran? respect

Did your elected leadership sign on the dotted line to accept the arbitraitor's ruling or not? I don't have a dog in the fight but the ruling seems pretty fair to me. Seems as though you guys would only be happy if the other guy gets totally screwed. Makes me think back to the email I got in 2000 telling me to be ready to hand over my 747-400 manuals as He was going to bump me out of the seat (yes...I really got that email from one of your fellow pilots).
Needless to say....I wasn't too impressed by him nor you thinking that it's o.k. to staple anyone...especially when your company very likely would not have been around much longer. Of course, you probably deny that.

That being said, I am no fan of ALPA national and the screw job we have all recieved since 9/11. Part of me hopes that you are successful in dropping them.
But save the "young man" lectures on your seniority list integration...you got a fair deal.
I'm pretty sure that Nicolau believed that you understood that when he told the East that D'OH wasn't going to fly.

Just curious.....what do you do when the EGPWS sez "Pull Up!!!?" Decertify Physics?

No. Actually its very simple. I look at the America West pilot next to me and say, MY AIRPLANE...
No. Actually its very simple. I look at the America West pilot next to me and say, MY AIRPLANE...

So now you want to assert some sort of Air Superiority......eh

Lets look at the number of crashes since AWA started in 1983 compared to AAA in the same time frame.

Even a Genuis like yourself can see that you and your fellow "Experts" would lose in that comparison.
Originally Posted by LandGreen
I am sure there is someone out there that will spend the 20 minutes to research and compare safety records????

Since 8/1/1983 (AWA was born)............

USAir - 7 fatal accidents - 234 Fatalities

America West - 0 fatal accidents - 0 Fatalities

All of the accidents since 1983 at USAir happened between 1989 and 1994. Was that during the PSA merger? I hope that this trend does not reappear with this integration...........

Right, Wrong, or Indifferent - BE SAFE out there !!!

From a previous post about the AWA "Rookies"
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Itsallsogood means you stand for nothing but your selfish @ss. You must be an ALPA politician/airline pilot who sells used cars on your days off.

No, that would be called USAirpilotsogood.

When little old grandmas walk on to your lot you sell them an F250 jacked three feet off the ground, while you pointing them to Home Depot in search of a ladder, while you laugh at the large commission you just scammed out of them by selling them everything they can not use, while having an over inflated sense of yourself looking at the plaque on the wall claiming you are the sales d!ck of the day.

The place Luckytohaveajob at HomeDepot, was a reality.

So wheres the charm and sales ability selling the Easties concerning ALPA? Oh, I forgot, Its all so good. It all so good because your the next scab.

Now the crying continues.

Outsider looking in here:

IF the solution to all of this integration mess was better fencing, why on earth did you (US) go to arbitration.

I keep reading posts by (US) folks about what should have been done and what could nave been done to more evenly and equitably arrive at merged list. My question is, why weren't these things actually negotiated?

In the end, this is clearly a failure to negotiate. That failure does not rest with the Arbitrator, nor with ALPA. It rests with those chosen to negotiate, and by default, those who sent them.

At least one postive thing has come out of this. Many, MANY pilots now have a clear understanding of the need to NEGOTIATE, to avoid the uncertaintly of arbitration.

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