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200% for ASA CR2 opentime....

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Just a fact from a reserve guy. so far this month (including the last day of last month) I had 6 on, one off on wednesday, and now I am on day two of six on again.


I have done only one round trip in the last 8 days while I was TDYed to IAD

I have had ready reserve 5 times in the last 2 weeks.

Due to the TDY I am at 40+ hours of credit including the 4 day starting tomorrow.

So, I am happy with my credit... But I really haven't flown jack this month.

These are just facts, I will let ya'll argue if it means anything.





Oh yeah, and something about your post....uuuuhhhhhmmm???

We're gonna need you to come in on sunday...OK...yyyeeeaaahh
IAD reserve Captain here- flying every day on reserve. Credited just shy of 100 hours last month. Comuting to short call sux, but I did it to myself, so I don't have the right to bitch.

A note to anyone that wants to upgrade and will be going from a sweet line to reserve- reserve sux, it will always suck, and it's not going to get better.........ever. If you are able to be used, you will be. You are trading QOL, voluntarily, for the opportunity to upgrade. It's part of the game, always has been, and always will be- regardless of airline and regardless of mainline or regional.

In my opinion, many things came togeather to form the mess we're in, and not all of them are easily forseen.........

Delta wanted to can 50 seat flying. Mesa was the cut they were looking for. However, after Delta won the lawsuit against Mesa, the economy started to rebound enough that more people were flying and the bookings didn't fall off for the fall as expected. Delta realized the cut in flying was too deep, hit the panic button, and we were the solution.....

PBS was supposed to help the staffing, but didn't come on line as quickly as expected because Flightline messed it up.

I upgraded 2.5 months ago as a previously qualled Captain, and only needed a procheck and oe to get out on line. This was the case with around 10 others. However, the rest of the award I was on is only NOW getting out on line. Part of having a great training department is a trade off in time needed to upgrade our Captains- the right way.

We've seen the worst of the staffing issues, and it's going to ease up as the relief hits the line. We're only now seeing the results of the solution. While irritating, it's just the way the airline's, all of them, do business. Run lean, go from a stand still to wide open, and it will never change- every airline operates this way, or at least the ones that stay in business.
We ALL know what the reserves have been through this year and quite frankly I am tired of hearing about it. Reserve will always suck. Period. Airlines will always need the flexibility that reserves provide them and they will NEVER give it up. Huff and puff all you want, but the pilot group doesn't care about reserves. No pilot group will ever strike for reserve issues.

I'm not at all complaining about what they did. I think it's great. I am fine with line holders getting 200% if it takes pressure off of the reserves. What I stated in my post was that the company's lame excuse that they were caught off guard with all of this is BS. They tried to run as lean as they could and it failed. How does JP still have a job?
Honestly as a reservist I don't want the pressure taken off me. I went through all my savings on furlough. I have no money and just spent 600 bucks at the doctors because of this stupid new HSA (I will be switching back to the PPO).

I know I do not speak for everyone but thats just my point of view. I want 100 a month... not forever, but for the next few months would be nice.
Yeah, the PPO is the only way to roll. you all don't realize what it takes to run a hospital or physician's office. 75% of it is overhead and malpractice insurance. And the rest is taxed at 48%.
But hey, obama is going to make it all an even bigger disaster which is why skywest is trying to shift the burden to the employee.
I have the HSA and I love it. It's a million times better than our PPO, at least for me.
Honestly as a reservist I don't want the pressure taken off me. I went through all my savings on furlough. I have no money and just spent 600 bucks at the doctors because of this stupid new HSA (I will be switching back to the PPO).

I know I do not speak for everyone but thats just my point of view. I want 100 a month... not forever, but for the next few months would be nice.

Why didn't that come out of the 1000 the company put in, or did you use that? You can also put money into the HSA that you save on your premiums to build that account, and then invest that money as it hopefully grows. The max out of pocket is less with the HSA too.. Just wondering.
500 - 600 is -100

i dont get another 500 until jan.

then i have another appointment which will be a 250 dollar visit plus another 80 dollar test...

so basically im wiping out the 1000 before i ever really had it.

then if i saved so much a month to put into it it would be months if not a year before i had enough for even one more appointment.

not to get personal but i can think of at least 3 other things right now i would like to go to a doctor and try to get fixed. wont be able to afford any of that on an HSA

for me the HSA was sold on me and a bad choice on my part. im gonna go back to having "real" insurance.
Remember you only pay to your deductible. Admittedly, HSA is a better deal if you don't get sick or injured.
Yes.. my deductible... which resets in 2 1/2 months. I will agree that it is better for some people. I am just discovering I am not some people.

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