Waco ... and Glass ...
You are woefully uninformed because you don't listen to people who tell the truth.
Listen and Learn ...
The OCW people are the same people (ACORN et al) aka Obama's base, who caused the financial crisis... now they are protesting the results of their actions of intimidating and pressuring banks to give loans to people who couldn't afford them.. .
Additionally associated with OCW, SEIU's Stephen Lerner (one of Barack Obama's butt-boys) is pushing a plan to purposely topple the banks into a second Financial Crisis by calling for a Mortgage Strike. He says if he can get a million people to stop paying their mortgages... we can collapse Wall Street again.
Lerner was taped discussing this plan at a conference at Pace University in Westchester. The audio is on Youtube. This is the unedited full audio ... not info from any source you dislike like Beck and Coulter or Fox
It is amazing how many people are unaware the US was threatening bankers with legal action if they did not write enough low income/bad credit mortgages to minorities. Go to youtube and check it out. Also, a banker told me he was threatened with JAIL time if his office didn't write more of those toxic mortgages. The government caused this recession with well intentioned policies which had BAD results.