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Your Worth As A Pilot

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Worth? Or Pay?

What are you worth as a pilot? It really doesn't matter. What you are worth has very little, if anything, to do with how much you get paid.

Is a pro basketball player worth more than a hard-working elementary school teacher? Not in my opinion, but that doesn't matter. I don't want to debate worth. I don't really care about that.

Bill Nelson,

Yea, I was hooked up with a gig, but after talking to the Chief pilot, my wife & I didn't feel that the job was not worth accepting, so I kindly declined.

I'm sure a lot of people would of jumped at the chance, but I think I'm just going to hold out for something better to come along.

I think it would of been worse had I accepted the job and quit a month later, rather than declining the position from the begining. I know that I wouldn't of been happy there, so I simply left it at that. Who knows, the person that ends up getting the job will probably love it and stay for a long while.

I've decided that the only job I'll take right now is a regional and nothing less. If no one from the commuters calls, I'm gonna go get a regular 9-5 job.

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i understand your situation, but you should have discussed that with your buddy before he went and put his name on the line for you. You have effectively burned his name as far as recs go at that company. There are a bunch of his buddys who would love to have a flying job and don't. With your time and experience,you should have been thrilled that someone was willing to let you fly their "crappy piston equipment."

We all want the best , but sometimes it is wise to take a step back and look at reality. You don't DESERVE anything more.

Good luck to you and Happy New year!
Hey, Happy New Year everyone, hope it was a safe one for all. I am writting to say that I agree with Country Wild as far as his views. We are an economy driven market. I am not in the airlines but I am in 91 / 135 and it is even showing in this community of aviation that there is way more supply than demand. I am very thankful that I have a job that allows me to pay the bills each month and allows me to get by without sweating too much and I hope that the market will return soon to get everyone out of the basement. However the other point I am trying to make is to Longhorn, MAN, think about what you are saying, are you really that self centered. Personally I hope that a furloughed airline guy read what you said, had an idea of where this job is and went and sucked it rite out from under you. I hope so because I am going to imagine that there are plenty of guys and girls out there with families, mortgage payments and plenty of bills where 1200 a month will get them by and still keep them in the sky where they love to be. Who knows, tommorow I may be in a position where I would have to grab that job. You never know. Personally I feel that worth should be a function of stability and happiness. With that crappy piston job I would have stability because I knew I would be getting income and happiness because I would still be flying and slowly advancing myself. This is just my opinion and I hope that things get better through the industry so everyone can be back and work and have some worth!!!!!

P.S. Aviation is a much smaller world than you think, dont burn your bridges!!!!!!! I hope you didnt burn one with your friend!!!!
72 longhorn,

Maybe you could get a gig playing for the longhorns. I hear they're hurting right now, especially after the Sooners handed it to them.

Peace Out..
First of let me apologize for writting what I wrote last night, I had just come back from a long night of drinking and wasn't think. I must say my grammer wasn't bad for being so liquered up. Anyways, I've since edited my post.


I agree, what I wrote was a little crude. A bunch of folks would of jumped at the opportunity to fly piston right now if offer, and I was stoked at first myself, but after a long careful review based on schedule, pay, benfits and lifestyle my wife and I decide that I should hold out for a better job such as a regional.

My intentions were not to burn a bridge. As a matter of fact I believe that declining the position was the best thing for me to do. Its not like I accepted, trained, got a type, and then walked away. I hope I didn't burn a bridge!

At this point in my life I've decided that If I can't get a decent flying job, I'm simply going to change careers. It's not an easy thing to do, but it's a decision that I've put a lot of thought into. A lot of pilots are going to do the same thing, leaving room for those that are willing to battle these tough times. If it does come to that, I know I'll miss it a bunch, but there comes a time when I must grow up and make something out of myself, and it's come to that point for me.

I wish you guys the best!

Happy New Years


I do have to say that your honesty is appreciated and has definately made me look back and realize that everything is what it is and we all have to live with it. I honestly feel for a guy like you in your position, just out of curiosity what is your age? I hope that your not turning to the bottle as a source of release. I had a relative fall into that and I do have to say that I dont wish the outcome of there situation on anyone. I wish you the best and please let me now of your decision if you dont mind. I am praying that I am not faced with your dilemma, flying and aviation is all I know. CYA Good Luck!!!!

kinda funny to read the longhorn post about a long day. I was at the end of a long day myself when i dropped the second post. I wasn't drinking though. Either way there are too many of us around lookin for jobs. Forgive my ignorance.....but would more United pilots have jobs now if they had settled for a little less?
Would you say the labor costs at airlines are just a drop in the bucket compared to the big picture? I've heard yes and no. I really don't know myself. Would united still be in trouble even if the pilots had southwest pay scales? Seems that pay scales are the scapegoat when things go wrong. I think flying all the different kinds of aircraft is the big culprit.

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