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Your Least Favorite Reg

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Min rest should be defined as BEING AT THE PLACE where rest will occur.

In other words, if the hotel is ten minutes from the airport, min rest is 9 hours plus twenty minutes. (Hard to schedule, I know, but you can dream, right?)

AND reduced rest can happen, but never be deliberately scheduled. All rest must be scheduled full-strength.
Pilot duty and rest requirements. I would like to see it changed to 13 hours scheduled on/ 11 hours off. Max. 8 hours in the air. No reduced rest, no compensatory rest garbage. Keep it simple.

91/121/135... New regulation proposal: No owner or operator may compensate a pilot at a rate that would allow the pilot food stamp eligibility.
CFR 105

The reg that states (in summary) " the pilot in command is responsible for the jumpers actions even after he leaves the plane".

Back when 105 was under revision, AOPA advised the FAA that they should change the language, afterall, how the hell am I supposed to control/be responsible for another person after he or she has left my aircraft?

FAA response? Well, its still there isnt it? Stupid reg.

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