having the flow does a couple things for my career. It opens up the possibility of being at NWA without a interview in about four years. Also it makes movement of the seniority list a guaranteed thing. It also will for the same reason make my schedule better in the future, for people will still be going to such places as other legacy's fedex to name a few as well the extra 3-9 a month going to the flow. So the way I see it, I will now only have to look for work and interview for those places I covet the most. And when my time is up for the flow and I could not get on somewhere better........(there are better options out there even though there is not a base in MSP) I will flow. So in the next 4 years I get a opportunity to fly for SWA FEDEX etc, I will go. If not, I wait for the flow. But I will say this to many out there. If XJ stays a solid feeder for NWA, it is not a bad option to stay. Living in the base you work and flying a okay schedule while making about a 100 grand is not a bad thing.
I assume you have been at Mesaba for a while resulting in a 4yr flow. What are your predictions on the flow time for a New Hire FO?