DATE:06.05.2009LOCAL TIME: 12:45LOCATION: Baltimore-Intl AP (KBWI), MDCOUNTRY:USAAIRLINE:World AWTYPE:McDD DC-10-30REGISTRATION: N139WA PHOTOC/N:46583AGE: 29 y + 9 mOPERATION:MILFLIGHT No.: WO 8535FROM:Leipzig (Germany)TO:BaltimoreVIA: -OCCUPANTS: PAX:168CREW:-FATALITIES:PAX:0 CREW:0 OTHER:0INJURIES:PAX:0CREW:0OTHER:0DAMAGE TO AIRCRAFT: substantial(?) It is understood the aircraft made a hard touchdown on runway 10 resulting in a tire burst on the nosegear. The pilots aborted the landing and made a go-around maneuvre. After the damage was asessed and the runway was checked for debris, the DC-10 landed on runwy 33L. After landing run was safely completed, the aircraft remained stuck on the runway. The airport remained closed until the DC-10 was removed. No serious injuries occured. Inside the passenger cabin, a number of overhead panels detached and handing down until the remainder of the flight. Some reports inicate the aircraft may have suffered structural damage resulting from the first landing attempt. (Photo
Yikes, I saw somewhere some pics of the inside. The landing jarred some panels lose from the ceiling and someone said it might be a write off? Sounds like a crazy landing, really glad no one got hurt.
Thats a tough airplane. I've got about 10,000 hours on it and have had a few "hard" landings and yea, panels do come off in the cabin but they're held up by not much more than "velcro" and the overhead bins come open but everyone survived. I've had blown tires on landing and still we all survived. I think the media always exagerates stories like this just to sell their news. But the DC-10 is getting old and probably can't take it like it used to and they are gas hungry and new planes are more effecient but they're still cheap. Fedex uses them and will continue until they have a hundred thousand hours or more. Most that get retired have over 50,000 hours.....just MHO....
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