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Will SWA and AT truly merge?

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No one is too worried about the most senior SWA guys--no matter what they will be well off. It's the next 90% who are very concerned with what happens with the SLI.

So, are you saying that Kwanzaa goes junior or senior? Because, it's kind of a big thing down here in Atlanta. Hopefully, Southwest will continue our sponsorship of, "The Feast of the Harvest Day Parade" down Peachtree Street.

Lots of people here that are taking themselves far too seriously. All that had been established here over and over again is that:

1. The Airtran guys feel like relative seniority is the only fair and equitable solution. They are sure that is what they will be awarded in arbitration.

2. The SWA guys feel that relative seniority would be a windfall for the Airtran guys given the age and contractual differances between the companys.

3. The Airtran guys don't feel that the contractual gains will be a factor in the arbitration and the SWA guys disagree.

Reality check:

Nothing is going to be solved on this forum. No one is going to change anyones mind.

This thing will get resolved and there is a good chance it will be in arbitration. There are 100s of ways that an arbitrator could look at this and for anyone who is not an attorney that specializes in airline RLA airline seniority list mergers in a post Bond McCaskill environment to predict an outcome is just silly.

That being said whatever the outcome of the SLI is the worst thing we can do long term for our collective carriers is to have this thing turn out like USAir/AWA. Soon we will all have to live in the same house and it will be far better if we choose to get along.

If I were SWA I would not worry too much.... If our TA is any bench mark of coming attractions we will be cleaning the lavs at SWA and paying to get trained.........
I believe this will be worked out without an arbitrator. We both have intelligent and level-headed people working on this. I think they will work it out.
You guys are right, I don't want to belong to any pilot group that would have me on the seniority list! You guys enjoy SWA.

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Yeah, Karma Police got the best of me. Sorry guys. I bit off on the trolls bait. I started this with some realities about our pilot group that seemed to be missing from this thread.

A full staple in reality would be worse than us having to live with relative seniority.

On the true discussion front, why is it fair to give the 93 hires and senior their seniority but DOH is not good enough for the rest of the SWA group?

How about DOH with some seat protection language?

Let's say, by the biggest imagination we can come up with, you get relative seniorty.

Say all of your "senior" dogs bid to our most junior base. You just TOOK seniority from guys that have been here 20 years longer than you.
Not if an equal number of lines were added
That's a windfall.

All your "new" senior dogs bid the best vacation that I could have held last year.

That's a windfall.Not if an equal number of vacation days are added

All your "new" senior dogs bid the best lines that I could have held last year.
Not if an equal number of lines were added
That's a windfall.

Training preferences.
Not if an equal number of slots were added


That's what I mean, Gup. If you add 138 airplanes and our understaffed pilot group to the mix, there will be an equal amount added to everything (or what is negotiated in the TA and JCBA plus newhires, so what are you losing?
How about DOH with some seat protection language?

I think that sounds fair and reasonable. You guys have a 2 year fence restriction in your contract, correct? Can a senior pilot displace a junior pilot out of his domicile?
Ohhhh how nice! Kharma and SWAdude have just finished the SLI.

Reality check.......None of us knows how this will go down. Both NC's are going to spend the next 6 months to 2 years hammering out positions and running numbers. They are going to consult with the brightest (most expensive) attorneys and bankers around the country to build cases for their respective list. Eventually they will come to an agreement or an impasse. What ever the case....none of us knows how this will go down!!!

So with that everyone needs to chill and keep the blood pressure under control because this is the only sure shot.....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhqyZeUlE8U

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