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Will Republic Survive?

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If they take delivery of the C-Series they will do more than survive, they will dominate.

Why? you ask:

Well they are getting the maintenance rights to the GTF for 15 years. That will be a huge revenue stream to float them in their lean times. If Boeing or Airbus add that engine to their airframes even more so. It will be worth billions.

A "revenue stream" thats funny. This type of move just slows the bleeding, but the fact is; they are still bleeding!
Yuppyguppy has moved beyond his past flying RJs and therefore forgets from whence he came; I just wonder if he knows there are 3 CRJ-700s flying in UA paint for every E170. Nah.....
I wonder if other professions wish all the ill will that pilots seem to towards one another. No wonder this profession is heading down the toilet.
Every business in operation wants to beat the competition. Every sports team wants to beat the other one.

It's a dog eat dog world boys. Always has been and always will be.

We just co-exist with professional courtesy and let the managers make the decisions.

10 years ago Chautauqua was a PFT operation with some beat-up J-Balls and a few scraggily Saabs. Look at them now!! In ten more years they'll be flying 500 seat double-decker Embrares around the world. The possibility of codesharing with Branson taking the E-6000 Spaceship to orbit is not out of the question. If past results guarantees future performance, Republic will continue to grow like a weed, and they will be around for a long time.
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10 years ago Chautauqua was a PFT operation with some beat-up J-Balls and a few scraggily Saabs. Look at them now!! In ten more years they'll be flying 500 seat double-decker Embrares around the world. The possibility of codesharing with Branson taking the E-6000 Spaceship to orbit is not out of the question. If past results guarantees future performance, Republic will continue to grow like a weed, and they will be around for a long time.
N0.......not when they keep treating people like this:

Every business in operation wants to beat the competition. Every sports team wants to beat the other one.


Couldn't agree more, but most of us want to "win" by doing a better job, not by doing it for half what the competion does,
Every business in operation wants to beat the competition. Every sports team wants to beat the other one.

It's a dog eat dog world boys. Always has been and always will be.

We just co-exist with professional courtesy and let the managers make the decisions.


Believe me Gup, you're a professional contractor and just that. Tomorrow you might be seeking to sell your services elsewhere like any other player especially when you leave others to make the decisions. That dog you raise today might just be eating your lunch tomorrow. In this day and age the boardroom always have other ideas about getting to that coverted prize.

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