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Hopeful, you seem really pissed...

Okay hopeful, what am I supposed to do? You're pissed that the regionals are proliferating. Understandable... You're pissed cause regional pilots whine, WHAT PILOT DOESN'T???

What do you propose? Should I quit my job and go back to instructing or corporate? Is that gonna change anything?

Am I ever gonna get hired at a major if I go back to instructing?

I fail to see the logic in your thread, are you intentionally trying to piss me off? It's working...

Re: flaimbait

larry said:
Since we are posting flaimbait....

Oh well, better get back to work here at gulf stream academy, which my dad is paying for, he's friends with the owner.

By the way, anybody have any info on interviews with Freedom? I have an interview comming up soon.

Hey Larry doesn't your dad know anyone at Freedom to get you the job?
One thing I learned over the years working at a fire department. If we were bored and wanted to start something up we would make up the wildest statement and watch people get pissed off. Now that I am at a airline I see the samething.
So here is what I would perpose. If someone gets on here and make the statements that is so wild and causes so much anger. Just let it go, its not worth it. There people out there that is all they want to do is cause problems and they enjoy watching the reaction. Just let it go.
Just reading all of the posts above makes you wonder. Who got there flying career handed to them and who worked for it. Well if you worked for it, you know you appreciate it that much more and understand when you see an FO or Capt. on a major, you respect them. If you are mad cause someone won't give you that job and you feel like you of ALL the pilots out there deserve it. You are not only selfish, but we all know now why you aren't on the majors. Cause no self respecting Capt. wants to be a on a three day trip with you next to them. Myself, a 135 cargo flyer. Putting in my time. Just like I put my time in as an insructor. Yea I am broke and work two jobs but I am looking forward to the day I get that 121 job flying for a regional (and I am sure I will still be broke). If I am lucky enough and work hard enough maybe I can sit next to some of the best pilots in the world and who really know what it is all about at the majors. But one thing for sure I am not going to bash or whine about them cause they are in a bigger plane and you think they should be flying smaller planes with you. Honestly would you want to fly a Saab or a 737 or and A320.....Gee let me think. And mad that a furloughed pilot took your job, since when is it your job and was it there fault they got furloughed? Just cause they want to keep there dream alive by taking a job that might be considered a step down. Hey, if they are more qualified than me when it comes time for the position then they deserve it. In the meantime, I finished my ATP, and I am building time and experience and waiting for my time to roll the dice for that regional job.
To all of the Furloughed pilots I wish you luck. To all of the pilots who are working hard for the job.....Keep the dream alive and don't give up. Talk to pilots above you when you can and get any help you can but don't expect anyone to hand you a job simply cause you think you should have it.
6000 pilots out there looking for jobs should tell yo something.....
Yea Right Cargoboy........ Your just going to happily pick up your flight bag fluff the seat and help the furloughed mainline guy settle down into your seat that you worked so hard to get to at the regional after that mainline guy took his chances and left the regional to follow his dream. Now he expects to slip right back into your chair. Yea Right. Are you sure you're not just trying to make friends here? Get real. Oh and just so you can respect the words I wWORKED for all my licenses and have everyone available on both sides of the barrel maintenance and pilot. Maintenance being the more respectable as I see now. I just happen to like the flying more. NOT the politics of it on the ground.
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<You obviously were not qualified or competive before or you would not be working at the regional.>

I think we should let this guy flameout. Ziggy1
Competitive defined only equals: Not enough time.
Qualified defined only equals: Have college degree
Because everything else is the same at the regional including the flying skills. In fact the regional pilots usually have more skills and are sharper by the time they are competitive because of more cycles per day.

At my old airline flying DC8's the sharpest guys we hired were from the regional and the slowest to catch on were the fellas with low cycles furloughed from the majors i.e. Pan Am and Eastern. Proven again and again in the sim and online flying around mountains with landing elevations from 5,000 to 13,500 at night in the weather in South America and Europe.
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