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Well-known member
Mar 20, 2002
Why is it that regional pilots always think they are getting screwed by the majors?

Hell, the only reason you have the job in the first place is because of the major. The majors agreed to use regional carriers because it was economically beneficial to do so. If the benefits no longer exists then the majors have every right to do what ever they want.

If you are at one of the regionals that might end up merging with the major, consider yourself extremely lucky. Even if it is a strait staple of the seniority and you are the last on the list, you are better off than before. (it better be a strait staple) You are working for a major. You obviously were not qualified or competive before or you would not be working at the regional. If you end up getting furloughed because of it, shrug your shoulders and realise that you really did not deserve to be on that seniority list anyway. Consider yourself lucky to have had the chance to work for a major even if only temporarily. (If you did deserve it you would have been hired by the major in the first place. Not ended up on their seniority list by way of luck)

So bottom line is, quit whinning.
Flamebait. Please don't take the hook. Let this die right here, right now.
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Thank you sir may I have another.........Thank you sir may I have another................Thank you sir may I have another............

Hopeful are you asking me to walk your resume in.

Nice avatar! At least you got SOMETHING correct.

Since we are posting flaimbait....

So is it sitting close to another guy all the time that makes most pilots gay?

Oh well, better get back to work here at gulf stream academy, which my dad is paying for, he's friends with the owner.

By the way, anybody have any info on interviews with Freedom? I have an interview comming up soon.
We at the regionals all know that we are here to feed the majors. The fact is, we are treated like scooter trash in the terminal or when we have to ride the big iron. That's al ok too. What pisses me off, and it's happening where I work, is that due to a terrable buisness plan and outragious costs, you at the majors are getting put out on the street. Now you think it is your RIGHT to flow back into our jobs. You didn't have anything to do with us before, and certainly didn't preferentially hire any of us.
you get over it, and don't forget to ask me if I want to Super Size my drink and Fries next time I see you.

P.S. I'll be in a hurry, i have to get to the airport.
flame bait? Call it what you will. I just want to know why you guys think anyone owes you anything.

I paid my dues for many years and I know that nobody owes me anything. If I get furloughed tomorrow, I will be upset about being out of a job, but I will still realize that nobody owed me that job. It is all business. Companies do what it takes to make money. Period. That is the whole reason for their existance.

The majors allowed you guys to work for them for a while because it helped make them money. If that is no longer the case or the circumstances have changed, then they need to discard you. You served your purpose at the time and are no longer feasible. Sorry about your bad luck. Quit whinning about it and go find another job. But remember, nobody owes you anything.
I feel your pain.

Hopeful, I hear what you are screaming. Why just the other day I was taxiing at ORD and passed a UAL 747. I looked over at my FO and said, "Man, those mainline guys are taking our jobs....I mean that one plane right there could be 25 RJs."

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