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Why the RJDC is sooo nervous

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chperplt said:
Sure, that's a long flight in an RJ.. Would the nice folks in TLH rather have an RJ on that route, or no route at all? I would think they would prefer the RJ over nothing.
It was sarcasm chopper pilot
General Lee said:
"Good lord, announced today, Comair TLH to JFK in an RJ MY GOD NO!"

I think some point to point RJ flights are good. This one is a good idea because it funnels people away from ATL and allows more seats to be purchased from other connecting flights. The flight time I believe is scheduled at 2hours and 25 minutes, and that may be tough on a businessman's tush, and we will see if it is popular or not. If it is wildly popular, then maybe an MD88 or 737 will be put on that route, if not, then it will go away. I think the RJ is a good route finder or tester. The time enroute is too much according to Grinstein's comments, and I hope it doesn't backfire, but if it fails it will go bye bye.


When did Grinstein say he liked the CR7? I think the economics are better on it, but those are the same planes that flew the longer flights from DFW, and people still didn't migrate to them. I like it better than the CRJ-50, but people still would rather fly an American MD-80 than a CR7---and that is obvious. There are other routes that will do well with them, like some of the new SLC routes, but DFW--OAK or DFW--JFK did not pass.

Bye bye--General Lee

The mainline flights out of DFW didn't pass either.

Every aircraft Delta has is a route finder, the size of the aircraft has little to do with choice to buy a ticket.
AV8700 said:
Sorry General, its not true and we don't all know it. The RJDC has nothing to do with flying larger equipment.
Perhaps you should take the time to read what the RJDC is about, Metro. Its about missrepresentation within the union. You share the most common misconception of the ill-informed masses who believe articles like "The RJDC wants Delta Pilots Families to Starve."

Educate thyself.
General Lee said:
And, I have never been called a provocateur before----thank you.

FlyComairJets was far too generous. I would have called you (and quite a few of your buddies) charlatans (big word for quacks), suffering from an acute case of paranoia because the world of your dreams is slowly crumbling around you, you don't know what to do about it, and you're scared out of your wits.

You cling to the musings of GG as though he were the sole source of mother's milk whenever he mentions an RJ, then ramble endlessly when faced with the reality that it is YOUR throat that he's really trying to cut.

I say keep your opinions coming. Each time you voice them they serve to confirm irrational thought based esentially on a perverted imagination, innuendo and outright fear.

PS. They also uncloak your true feelings of umbridled animosity towards the regional pilot groups, especially Comair. Good job.

BTW, while many of your fears may be justified under current circumstance, you're very confused as to the source of your problems. They don't come from the affiliated regionals. Look to management and look within to your own group's prior decisions. That's where the problem comes from.
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General Lee said:
First of all, I do NOT hate RJs. I continually say that I think RJs are good aircraft on certain routes.

Bye Bye--General Lee
I agree with the General. I do NOT hate RJ's either. What I do despise is the glut of people out there who are willing to sell their souls and take these jobs just to be able to call themselves airline pilots.

I was sitting in the back of one of those little Brazilia jets at the gate in Houston one day and someone up front said "puddlejumper" and the F/O overheard it. He promptly got on the PA and told everyone that this is not a puddle jumper. He continued to inform us about how fast it goes, how high it goes, that it goes to all these different countries, and that all airlines are getting them. When his little speech was done, I felt like leaning into the aisle and shouting "show us your W2 wage statement from last year!!" That would have humbled that numbskull. Instead, I didn't do that. I did inform the passenger next to me what I was thinking though. She was shocked at how little he was paid and didn't feel too safe knowing that this "little airplane airline industry's" hiring practices are predicated on the lowest bidder.

On a seperate flight, new airline, same wages, the Captain filled us in on the current weather conditions in CVG using phrases like "flight level" and "landing minimums". Yeah, like the average passenger knows what that means. What a dork. I dislike the attitudes of a lot of these "airline pilots" more than anything.
FlyComAirJets said:
Just out of curiosity, VABB, were you a revenue paying passenger on that "that little Brazilia(sic) jet" flight?
Unfortunately yes, but it was for business and I had no say on which airline I could take.

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