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Who's got BALLS?

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And here I thought this thread was about the guys with "...the biggest balls of them all..."


Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap. What a great album....uh, I mean CD.

How many of you can fit on this soap box. Do any of you work for an airline not asking for pay cuts? If you do you do you work for some one who is able to deliver a product at a better rate than their competition. Is this not the nature of capitalism? Do you buy a car from a dealership because they have better compensation for their employees? SkyWest's new contract takes no pay cuts. The rates that everyone is so upset about are for airplanes we don't even have, so save this pissing and moaning for when we do have these airplanes, and we do lower the bar. I am happy to be a part of a pilot group that I believe has the foresight to see we need to be able to move quickly in a dynamic time to secure our future, and to put our pilot group in a position to able to get higher pay rates from a company that is sucsessful and remembers how they got there. On the backs of those who believe (no I did not drink the Koolaide) that they have done right by us in the past, present (no pay cuts, no furloughs), and will continue to do so in the future. This I feel is something that is hard for a union pilot to see. I feel we do not have an advesarial relationship with managment. A little give a little take, time will tell. I want to make lots of money too, don't get me wrong, but just look ahead it is such a cyclical industry. I don't want to be a part of the downward spiral either, but more so I don't want to be at a company failing because they can't make money, that is simply how it works. I love to fly, and will never be a part of the "feed my family" nonsense. So in the imortal words of Bob Marley "Judge not before you judge youself, for while you talk about me someone else is judging you". I hope I don't discount anything I said above by saying General Lee you need to get outside more, turn the computer off bro. Join a cult, get a hobby, or maybe even a girlfriend that doesn't require a credit card number first.
Can somepone please explain how Skywest and Mesas contract "lowered the bar" or was a "downfall"...
Please explain with hard #'s.....
"It seems everyone is giving in to Union busting"

Didn't anyone take Sociology 101. The airlines are loving the fighting thats going on on this website. You guys need to work together, organize, and build on what you have. I'm sure there are union busters roaming around these websites instigating fights as well.

You guys are all a bunch of smart people. Whether your captains or FO's. Don't let the airlines take away the effort, sweat, and blood you guys have put into your careers.
zeppelin said:
SkyWest's new contract takes no pay cuts.

Mesa's didn't either, but that doesn't mean anything to people on this site. Look at the guy who started this thread. He doesn't even work for an airline and he say's Mesa and Skywest caved! Don't forget Eagle, Whiskey, and United. We can blame 'Blue and WN b/c they aren't paid the most despite their companies turning profits. At some point, you will come to realize, "Everyone will cave". Just accept it and move on.

TSA didn't cave

At Trans States, we just extended our contract for 2 additional years.

Although the current one wasn't set to expire until 2005, the company and union mutually agreed to simply extend our current one for 2 additionaly years. We keep everything the same but still get 2.5% cost-of-living raises. It's not great, but certainly it beats having to take it in the corn-hole...or sitting on reserve with EIGHT DAYS OFF A MONTH. Thanks MESA.

This was done because I don't think that neither the union or the company was in the mood for a 2 years pissing contest in this environment.
"At Trans States, we just extended our contract for 2 additional years."

That might actually be a very smart move. Why negotiate in recessions if you can wait when this industry improves.

Wish us at Mesa had the same oppertunity but there was something called Freedom airlines.... ( since some seems to forget why we had to agree to this TA...)
Be happy that TSA management did not pull this stunt on you guyes.......
Last time I sat reserve I had 9 days off, last month I had 16 days off. Beats the unemployment line..............................

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