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where is njaowner?

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350DRIVER......Wifey #1 came across (atleast to me) as someone who more or less indirectly stated that this was "needed" in a way to make ends meet.

Right or Wrong...Did you ever think that maybe they as a family do need the tip money to make ends meet. We all know the high paid co-pilots at NJ
However, her suggestion of bringing starving children and spouses to picket at the FBOs is very low and shows just how desparate she is.

Classless as well, enough said.

350DRIVER......Wifey #1 came across (atleast to me) as someone who more or less indirectly stated that this was "needed" in a way to make ends meet.

Right or Wrong...Did you ever think that maybe they as a family do need the tip money to make ends meet. We all know the high paid co-pilots at NJ
Understandable, BUT this is not the "owners" problem. The solution (which I sure hope happens) is that they turn this TA down and get what they deserve. My thoughts and prayers go out to these pilots but there is a professional manner in which to handle and go about doing things which I tend to think these two have not done.

As I previously stated, I wish the entire NJ pilot group the best of both worlds. It seems as if they are truly united so that should make a difference in the near future.

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Griz said:
The individual posting as "NJAOwner" has had many opportunities to prove his claim that he is an owner. I've offered to provide verification that he is who he says he is. He has so far refused to do so. Until he does, he's no different to me than the guy that posts on a message board claiming to be Bill Clinton, Rasputin or Howdy Doody.

To be fair, he has called me once from a number that had caller ID blocked and left a message on my machine. He still has my number and I'm not hard to get ahold of.

I enjoy his posts because they are thoughtful but I don't give any credence to his claims. Before one of the militant "anti-NetJets pilots" group attacks me for trying to "enforce" some standard on this public board, get over it. NJAOwner chooses to post here under that name without providing proof...no one forces him to do so. He chose that screen name for a reason. Until he provides proof, I've gotta assume he's a 15 year old sitting behind a computer screen getting his jollies playing a business tycoon. I'll treat him as such until I learn differently.
Basically, you're calling him a liar, even after he extended the GENEROSITY (you have no right to expect him to, so it can't be considered a "courtesy") of calling you, but you're the one who didn't pick up the phone....that's not only you're problem, but would point to you not "being easy to get ahold of" despite your claim to the contrary. And even after extending you another generosity by leaving a message..you are so discourteous that you go on to say here publicly that you still "have to assume he's a 15 year-old getting his jollies"? That's pretty rude, and one wonders why you can't tell the difference between the voice of a grown man and a child like you can't tell the difference between someone who's against you and a potential ally.

From the numerous posts he's written on this board, what I see is an owner who is basically sympathetic to the pilots, values their work, and keeps a personal interest in something he's invested in, being publicly asked to jump through hoops by you, the self-appointed Gatekeeper of Worthy Opinions. This observation of mine isn't an "attack" Griz (get over that persecution complex, would you?), but simply, and sadly, what you're doing is laughable.

It's sad because NetjetsOwner actually offers good feedback from the cabin...one of those paying ALL the bills....who's NEVER insulting here or been "anti-pilot", and you're insulting him with this childish, in-your-face, vetting process on a public board ("Cmon, I DOUBLE dog dare ya to prove who you are!). Frankly, the way he tolerates you on this matter is proof to me that he's exactly who he says he is, the ability to see the big picture and take all things including the "squeakier wheels" in stride being qualities needed to run sucessful businesses.

It seems to me if he remains on your side regarding raising the wages for pilots (and having some owners on your side would undoubtedly be a good thing), it will be despite you, not because of you.
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Seeing both sides...

Cat Yaaak, I do believe that is one of your better posts. You stuck to the issue and were only mildly patronizing--progress for you. Ready for a surprise? I finding myself agreeing with most of your post. But then, it is my personal style to want to believe the best of people, until I'm proven wrong. Furthermore, I freely admit that I am a novice at posting on boards like this. Griz, on the other hand, has plenty of experience and has a strong case of "once bitten, twice shy", I suspect. Any of us can miss a phone call, CY. And I can assure you that Griz is, indeed, who he says he is. I do WISH he could believe the owner, but I don't FAULT him for being unable to.
netjetwife said:
Cat Yaaak, I do believe that is one of your better posts. You stuck to the issue and were only mildly patronizing--progress for you. Ready for a surprise? I finding myself agreeing with most of your post. But then, it is my personal style to want to believe the best of people, until I'm proven wrong. Furthermore, I freely admit that I am a novice at posting on boards like this. Griz, on the other hand, has plenty of experience and has a strong case of "once bitten, twice shy", I suspect. Any of us can miss a phone call, CY. And I can assure you that Griz is, indeed, who he says he is. I do WISH he could believe the owner, but I don't FAULT him for being unable to.
Hey, no fair being nice to me! Darn it, now I'm at a loss for words....

....(3-5 paragraphs of smart-assy post not written)....

Now, see what you've gone and done?

As always, I hope everyone gets raises.

Catyaaak (trying to recover from this dastardly Nice Attack)
more ...

Griz: no need to send a link to your "butt-ugly" picture. Of course, if it looked like Heather Locklear's butt, it would not be so ugly. But that is another thread. All I was trying to point out is just because you post a name, it doesn't prove your are that person. In order to rremain constructive, let's drop this issue for a while.

x402: First or all, you may be trying to prove you are the "silly pilot" (I have always refrained from any name calling on these posts, but you called yourself it). While NJA may have been revolutionary in creating the frax market, using profits from profitable opperations to fund loses in expansion is not a novel business concept. It has been around for a few thousand years. You said "NJA owners are not going to derive any perks from their financing of Netjets Europe". First of all many owners are aware of this and are able to make their own decisions. Secondly, the main topic on this board revolves around pilots wanting more $$$, not owners complaining about their management fees (have I ever said that -- in fact I said the price elasticity of demand -- Griz not a word for a 15 year old -- would allow for a moderate increase in fees to cover pilot wages if value is perceived). Thirdly, a short time ago, a close family member became very ill in a remote part of Europe. Air Ambulances were not available and the next flight out was about 14 hours later with a connection to London. NJE had a plane available in 2 hours, which got to London and then onto a premier medical facility. With the problem, while very serious and debilitating, time was an important issue but not immediate life or death. Plus further diagnosis was needed to be sure. Not only did NJE come up with this plane quickly, within 2 1/2 hours my wife and I were opn a G-IV from New Jersey to the U.K. -- without an upgrade charge and without a ferry charge. (Griz -- quick, hit the computers and your sources and figure this out -- then you will know my identity. If you do, PM me and I will treat you and your wife to a meal at the restaurant of your choice in that big city close to you, or the much bigger one a little north of you. Really.) Now x402, did I receive any perk or benefit from helping establish NJE -- you bet. But you don't think so. IN fact, a good number (but not a majority) of the US owners have enjoyed using NJE for business or pleasure.

Fly safe.
Excuse me, sir?

I'd just like to point out that at NJA it's about FAR MORE than "pilots wanting more money". The TA is flawed in all areas. Scope is very weak, the work rules unfriendly to single pilots and families, alike, and the payscale for FOs STOPS at year 5. For Captains the freezes occur at years 10, 14, and 15 depending on the PBW category. Clearly, the TA lacks vision and places NO value on loyalty. NJW

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