I have no dog in this fight but it is absolutely embarrassing for any wife to come on this board advocating the "tipping" issue, get real. . . You are coming off as a person that is "weak", "needy", and "selfish". Have you ever contemplated how much money these owners are paying to sit in the back of the aircraft?. Have you even thought a long the lines of common sense and how disrespectful it sounds to any pilot to even make a notion of how some owner that pays your hubby's salary should tip a pilot?. This has got to be one of the most outrageous series of posts that I have come across to date on this message board and you can be assured that I have seen plenty of them.
As a former 135 captain myself I would find it somewhat embarrassing for the lead pax to even want to tip myself and the other pilot. I always felt as it was a slap in the face on more occasions than one. The issue is with management NOT with pax who are paying top dollar to pay your husband's salary. Simple solution would be to vote the TA DOWN and pick the fight with management and make a statement.
I applaud NJowner for even contemplating going along with your silly notions, you truly need a reality check and have someone explain this industry to you.
unfukcin real
3 5 0
I have no dog in this fight but it is absolutely embarrassing for any wife to come on this board advocating the "tipping" issue, get real. . . You are coming off as a person that is "weak", "needy", and "selfish". Have you ever contemplated how much money these owners are paying to sit in the back of the aircraft?. Have you even thought a long the lines of common sense and how disrespectful it sounds to any pilot to even make a notion of how some owner that pays your hubby's salary should tip a pilot?. This has got to be one of the most outrageous series of posts that I have come across to date on this message board and you can be assured that I have seen plenty of them.
As a former 135 captain myself I would find it somewhat embarrassing for the lead pax to even want to tip myself and the other pilot. I always felt as it was a slap in the face on more occasions than one. The issue is with management NOT with pax who are paying top dollar to pay your husband's salary. Simple solution would be to vote the TA DOWN and pick the fight with management and make a statement.
I applaud NJowner for even contemplating going along with your silly notions, you truly need a reality check and have someone explain this industry to you.
unfukcin real
3 5 0