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where is njaowner?

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blah, blah, blah.

Just quit NJA. The sooner people like you leave the sooner we can get a respectable contract and raise NJA status to something other than what you are making it into.

I just spoke with my FBI buddy and showed him what has been posted on this thread and he was laughing at your post.

He is an agent in Counter Terrorism.

I implore you to watch your statements.
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No you quit...go find a Learjet operation. Perhaps you can fly your FBI buddy around!

Hey Griz!

Some of us have a life away from this place and don't live and breathe it! You guys are like a special interest group. Lots of support, but from very few people who make a lot of noise.

Some of us actually like this job, but we have other lives away from work.

you really don't have anything productive to say. When you do say something, it really makes no sense, to a normal person.
Hawkered said:
Hey Griz!
Some of us actually like this job, but we have other lives away from work.
Too many of you also have other jobs outside of work. (There are a number of such pilots in our gateway.) Therein lies the problem. It shouldn't have to be like that! Why is it too much to expect to support a family on wages from a flying job that takes a pilot from home half the month??
Unaware of that, my Lord.

Lord Wakefield said:
are we forgetting the company has warned that tips must be turned in, I think?
OUTRAGEOUS! If the owner had wanted to tip anyone else in the company they could have added it to their bill. If this is the company policy, it's just another in a string of insults and disrespect shown to the pilots! Not to mention the owners whose wishes they'd be circumventing. Unbelievable, but considering the source --a company that expects its pilots to do part of Recurrent training at home for FREE--not surprising. Disgusting maybe, but not surprising.
Lrjet55 said:
Its because of these stupid attitudes why were are where we are. Every contract from here on out will have some dumba$$ saying "30 months from now."
You're in the position you are in because management knows a bunch of you were happy to PFT years ago and ALL of you took the job for 28K a year. Its easy to point fingers, but much harder to point the finger at the person in the mirror.
netjetwife said:
Originally Posted by netjetwife
Jeff is assigned to Centennial/Denver and flies in the Rockies quite a bit. Which airport do you fly into? He says that Telluride can be very difficult esp, in the winter. He had to land there on an icy runway with a strong cross wind.

Are you calling my husband stupid? Or are you suggesting that the instructions were stupid...dangerous? He was told to land there and did his best for the owner..
If he did, in fact, land on an icy runway with a "strong cross wind" at Telluride, yes, I am calling him stupid. High elevation, short runway(for the altitude), icy, and a crosswind....not something I would even consider.

The crews are not "told to land" anywhere. They are told where the trip is scheduled to go - but it is ultimately up to the crew to determine whether or not it is safe to do so. If not, then go elsewhere. I'm certainly not going to do something unsafe to "do my best for the owner". As somebody else stated, the conditions were more than likely greatly exaggerated - but if not, you know what I(and I'd be willing to bet most pilots agree with me) think about it.

Sorry for the delay in response...I was enjoying some recreational time where electricity and phones were not available.
Owner Info

Griz - would you like my User ID and Password to the owner web-site as well. All of those items specifically identify me and I am not about to go "un-anonymous".

Fly safe.

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