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netjetwife said:
I'm in the process of gathering information, weighing options,getting feedback, and educating myself about the issues which directly impact my family. .
No... you appear to be in the process of mental illness. Your "OBSESSION" with this forum has become alarming. This is just a "chat" forum. Its not an "action" forum. You act as if your posts will make a difference. That is where your addiction becomes readily apparent.

I feel sorry for your poor family...

You have really got to log off for a week or two... or maybe 6 months.

Les Paul
Les Paul said:
I feel sorry for your poor family... You have really got to log off for a week or two... or maybe 6 months. Les Paul
Les, Thank you for saying what needs to be said. Unfortunatly I think it will fall on deaf ears.
28K for a NetJets Fo is an outrage no doubt about it. That needs to change and I will fight as hard as anybody to get that changed.

What you need to realize is that every one in aviation has sob stories. Yours is a drop in the bucket. Actually it doesn't even register on the scale.

People here on this board could give example after example of situations that are far worse than those that we suffer at NJA. I dont think you understand that it creates resentment to cry so loudly about our unfair treatment.

Of course working at NJA should not be a sob story at all. It should be a great place to be. Its no where near what it should be at the moment.
Sctt@NJA said:
What you need to realize is that every one in aviation has sob stories. Yours is a drop in the bucket. Actually it doesn't even register on the scale.
Amen to that. Lady, you need to read up on what your husbands AA did to TWA pilots.
Just passing through---

Hi guys, I just stopped by to grab a few quotes for the wives. I've been asked how the T-word ...:) debate turned out. Want to see what she said?

"I fully believe the owners SHOULD tip the
pilots. My husband has received 3 tips over the past 3 years. It was like Christmas! He was always thankful and never embarrassed. He feels he works his tail off for the company and the owner and he appreciates any show of thanks from the owners. I do not believe it is unprofessional to receive tips and I fully support this practice. Let me know how it goes with the debate."

Xrated, he was only at AA for 4 months--June to Sept--laid off after 9-11. Hardly "his" AA, this job means more. He likes the flying better and we're meeting families and making friends. Because of our efforts. of course, otherwise we'd have still been an isolated group.

Sctt, I NEVER SAID WE HAD IT WORSE! Actually those who take the time to read my posts will see that I strongly urge ALL pilots to demand a fair wage and stand up for themselves. Resentment? Not once it is understood that I'd like to see decent salaries for all, regardless of who they work for. The supportive comments far outweigh the bad.

Gotta run..my group is waiting...lots of ladies to type to.

Well, of course a stay-at-home wife is going to like it when her husband gets a tip. Beats her going out to work to make the same money.

How embarrassing that you would even discuss (or beg for) tips on an open forum such as this.

You should really be ashamed. This is a forum for professional pilots, not beggars.
Let's see...Netjet Wife. You might be at home with your children in body, but certainly not in spirit. I cannot imagine the crap your children are trying to get through with you making posts on the internet after 2:00 am in the morning.

Maybe you can spend that big salary you're looking for on some counselling!
netjetswife, njawoner....hahahahahahahahaha..........lol.....whats next? njmechanic? njdispatcher? njpilotgirlfriend? at least its entertaining.
Netjetwife, I have tried to help you understand some of the dynamics involved with these issues. You don't see anything of value in what I have told you?

You do not speak for all NJA wives. Even among the following you do have surely you understand that you can't talk on and on and expect everything you say to represent the feelings and ideas of your entire group.

You have said you are speaking on the behalf of the NJA wives. No you are not.

You are, frankly, talking a lot of crap.

You have said your purpose here is to educate yourself and to rally the troops. Yet you refuse to listen to anyone. Maybe you are accomplishing some rallying but it sure doesn't seem you are learning anything.

Going back to the question of informational picketing -- this could result in a significant backlash by these owners. They come to Netjets becasuse they believe in the program and it is less hassle for them than full ownership. In short, they do not want to mess with the details, they want to pay someone else to do all that type of activities.

First of all, any kind of picketing would be difficult as to discern the Netjets flights and secondly, find an access point you could picket. As most or many of their customers come and leave by limo, who are you trying to get to.

As I have said before, the competition here is with the owner just getting hsi own aircraft and flight crew. He may pay them slightly more, but, they will be the only crew and expected to handle all flights, paperwork, customer requests, baggage, etc., etc, No hard days off etc,

Owners at this level do not like attention and will tend to jump ship in a heartbeat if it looks like being with Netjets is a problem.

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