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If memory serves, the General has been able to hold Captain for a while, but he's waiting for an airplane that he wants to fly.

I have been able to hold the MD88 left seat for awhile, but I have never flown it and do not wish to. I did fly the 738 years ago after we got them, and liked it. In the meantime, I am getting some INTL experience on the 767ER, which is fun, and waiting for the 738 in ATL, which should be Summer or so when we get new 737-700s in the mix also. I have a 9 month hold on the 7ER currently, which could mean perfect timing.

Bye Bye--General Lee
Plus, the General can live on a 100% Kool-Aid diet......

My, my, my, that stuff really must make one's head swell.... Got quite a bit more proud of oneself since we flew the lowly EM2, eh General? I just don't know how that head could possibly get thru the cockpit door anymore.

Keep in mind... The regionals got your cocky butt where it is-maybe you should consider that when hijacking every thread possible to toot your own horn!


Hey, I call it like I see it, and I did fly for the "commuters", unlike your sorry arse. Oh yeah, you fly for ASA, get back to your cushy Valdosta turn. Enjoy that!

Bye Bye--General Lee

Hey, I call it like I see it, and I did fly for the "commuters", unlike your sorry arse. Oh yeah, you fly for ASA, get back to your cushy Valdosta turn. Enjoy that!

Bye Bye--General Lee

Let's hope you never need to utilize my jumpseat to get down to VLD, you jackoff!

I know more than you may think. I know that you also post here as 737 pylt. A little birdie may have actually told me your real name.... I am very good with names, especially names of those who piss me off...

Just chew on that when you have to wait for the next "little guy" to get you where you need to go. Or maybe that next "little guy" might just be one of my buds. The airport is a great place for a good night's rest.....

-Small world-you just never know how small until you find out the hard way..... Long walk to VLD, champ.
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Let's hope you never need to utilize my jumpseat to get down to VLD, you jackoff!

I know more than you may think. I know that you also post here as 737 pylt. A little birdie may have actually told me your real name.... I have a very good memory for people who piss me off...

Just chew on that when you have to wait for the next "little guy" to get you where you need to go. Or maybe that next "little guy" might just be one of my buds. The airport is a great place for a good night's rest.....

-Small world-you just never know how small until you find out the hard way..... Long walk to VLD, champ.

I never will, really. I highly doubt I will ever have to go to Valdosta, but if you say I will.......And, you won't need mine since you mainly do intra-Georgia flights anyway. Enjoy that.

Bye Bye--General Lee
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I truly hope you don't screw around with the jumpseat due to a personal grudge... your commuting pals won't be real happy with you.
Screw Around....

I truly hope you don't screw around with the jumpseat due to a personal grudge... your commuting pals won't be real happy with you.

There are only about 5 people on my jumpseat list. The general is the only one from DAL. Besides, it is my resposibility to exclude anyone who is clearly this mentally unstable in the interest of safety of flight.

P.S.-The only surprise in finding out that you are also 737pylt, General is the shock of seeing that you have made that many more posts spouting exactly the same pompus garbage. You really need perspective!
I truly hope you don't screw around with the jumpseat due to a personal grudge... your commuting pals won't be real happy with you.

Well, you must be talking about Jmoney....that guy is a real class act.....?

Bye Bye--General Lee
There are only about 5 people on my jumpseat list. The general is the only one from DAL. Besides, it is my resposibility to exclude anyone who is clearly this mentally unstable in the interest of safety of flight.

P.S.-The only surprise in finding out that you are also 737pylt, General is the shock of seeing that you have made that many more posts spouting exactly the same pompus garbage. You really need perspective!

Wow, you got me....NOT. Go ahead and keep thinking that. And no, I won't need your jumpseat to Flint.

Bye Bye--General Lee
If you are a commuter you can remain in a state of perpetual adolescence via "the crash pad".

You get to sneak away from nagging girlfriends, wives, kids, etc. and sit in a cheap apartment with dumpster furniture drinking beer in your shorts and watching TV with the Guys all day.

Just like College....only you actually have a J.O.B.

When the Ball and Chain stares at you and says "what have you done for the past week?" the best part is:

A) She has NO idea and NO proof of what you were really doing . Whatever you say is Gospel.


B) You get to say " I've been working." and you aren't even lying.


Just as a cautionary tale.. if you want to keep that lifestyle up, don't marry, or otherwise seriously bang, a flight attendant... they are like the borg.. once you get into their system, they all know all about you, every one... you will be assymilated! :)

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