A classmate of mine from Delta is at SWA now and says Gary Kelly is losing the battle with the pilots. They are very frustrated with his "doom and gloom" message even in the face of a profit. All he does is tell the employees how they continue to fail financial targets and how they need to do better.
He claims that Kelly is already talking concessions and even furloughs if they don't give him the "help" he is looking for. WTF? Didn't WN just post a profit? Now he wants concessions?
If this is true, I really hate it for you guys. I wanted to work there for years because of the likelihood of never having to deal with this kind of BS. Suddenly I feel much better for interviewing twice with no success.
Good Luck!!!!
Can any of you corndogs confirm?
Let me see if I got this right, the worker bees think because we made a profit everthing is peachy, the people that count, the shareholders are saying where is my money and I don't mean maybe? If I don't get my money by the end of today, its going to get ugly.