A degree (any degree) will often open doors that otherwise would be closed to you.
I got my first job in aviation at a flight college ONLY because I had a degree, and my degrees are in nothing to do with aviation.
The other positive aspect of having a degree, especially in a non-aviation field of study, is having something to fall back on if you lose your flying job, medical, etc.
It is pretty tough to get a decent paying non-flying job without a degree of some kind.
Come on now. I mean, seriously, this conversation has gotten very harsh. Degrading people because they have a lack of education is just wrong, and extremely un-called for. There is no room for that kind of behavior. Lack of education is NOT the same as lack of intelligence.
I am not taking either side here. What a person wants to do with there is education is up to them. Just because someone doesn't have a four year college degree doesn't make them ignorant. This may be a free a country with free speech, but let’s watch what we say.
A four year college degree is something that may be required for a job with the airlines. However just because you don't have a four year degree doesn't mean that you aren't skillful and smart enough to fly a Seven Two or a Seven Four, it just happens to be a pre-requisite for the job. It’s not saying anything about your intelligence.
RT - If you want to get a degree then go for it man. I wish you the best of luck. If you don't want to get a degree, that’s fine too. It’s all up to you. Don't ever feel because you didn't that you are ignorant because you are not. Decisions like that in life are not to be taken lightly, it’s a big decision. College truly isn’t for everyone, we are all different.
Someone in here said something like "Anyone who chooses not to go to college is ignorant". That is just wrong. Really wrong. Don't ever say that. There are some people out there who can't afford to go to college. There was a movie called the "Boiler Room" it was about stock brokers that were snookering people out their money selling shares of stock from companies that didn't really exist. One character played by Ben Affleck made the statement "Anyone who tells you that they don't have a spare $2000 is lying to you!” That’s one of the stupidest statements I have ever heard. This is not a communist society where everyone makes the same about of money as each other regardless of occupation. Money is an issue.
Folks we are pilots. Look at what we do. Just step back and look. We have no room for this arrogant behavior. We are pilots people. Look some things, are going to have to change, fortunately we can't allow our selves to get arrogant. We take a sophisticated machine, and FLY IT UP INTO THE SKY, now that’s an amazing thing. We are probably one of the most closely knit Fraternities in the world. Let’s not bicker and argue with our brothers. We are pilots. Let’s start acting them.
I appreciate Avbug's comments about the College of Hard Knox being the best university. Further to that, I believe it was Samuel Clemons (Mark Twain) who said that he did not let his schooling interfere with his education. It's unfortunate that colleges don't offer Life 101. There are so many people who could test out of it.
Unfortunately, the College of Hard Knox does not grant degrees. You need a credential to show what you've learned in school, and life. That piece of paper from Riddle, or Yale, or Armpit A & M, documents that in large part. I had a friend in college who always said he was there to spend money to get a piece of paper so he could make money.
Chuck Yeager's history is well-known. Notwithstanding his abilities, his accomplishments are remarkable. But, if you think about it, his is a typical aviation story. Flew cool airplanes (P-51s, X-1, MiG-15), survived on his wits (evaded capture after being shot down), met people along the way who helped and mentored him (Gen. Boyd, Jackie Cochran, Jack Ridley), and was in the right place at the right time (Wright Field). Had fun (Pancho Barnes). Ultimately, he made it to the top. However, as much a bunch of hot sticks as we may think we are, in the final analysis we are a bunch of average Joes. We need all the help we can get. Few people are such stickouts that they can circumvent the system. In other words, get an education for its enrichment. Couple it with the College of Hard Knox. Get the degree and give the recruiters what they want so you can get what you want.
In looking back, I wish I would have gone back to school full-time, to someplace that offered a B.S. in Aero Science ( I already had a B.S. in B.A.). I feel that I missed out on a lot of education that might have helped me in my career. Just a thought to pass on.
Listen professor,
sentence is spelled without an "A"! And, it's generally accepted that you shouldn't begin a sentence with "and", except under certain circumstances.
Reading the replies from the "grammer Nazis" makes me smile. I am one of those no mind enlisted USMC infantry grunts with a Juris Doctorate who hires a secretary to fix my spelling and grammer errors. Cheers
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