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What training school is the best for King Air's

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Active member
Dec 8, 2005
The company I work for has aquired a BE90. My DO told me to find a school to go to. I contacted SIMCOM, FlightSafety and Simuflite. Are there any others? If not which of these is the best and why.

Try RTC....

I think it is: www.rtcpilot.com

Give them a call. If I did not go to FSI/Simuflite then I would go there. I can not stand SimCom.
Pick FSI

I've trained at Simuflite and FSI, and would pick FSI if I had the choice. Much better continuity in training. You might actually get the same sim instructor at FSI for two days in a row (rarely happens at Simuflite). Both have crap coffee machines, but FSI has the slight lead in that area as well. Did I make it sound like a no-brainer?!
FSI and Simuflight are a close tie with "quality of training". I like the FSI checklists better.
I have done FSI (ATL) and Simuflite. I'd agree that its probably as toss up. FSI had a great staff in the KA dept. when I was there, mostly all retired C-17 guys. Great training. Simuflite training was almost as good, checklists not so good, I'd agree. The facility at DFW is stellar, though. Good luck!
Simuflite facility is 5-star, no doubt. If you could use the FSI checklists, I would say Simuflite is the clear winner.

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