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What training school is the best for King Air's

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One more thing to keep in mind....

SimCom - Only has FTDs. Not approved for 135 checkrides. Not reccomended

Simuflite - Great training, but they only have a King Air 200 Level C sim (very old) and a C90B FTD (unless something has changed in the last 3 years). For Part 135 this requires a BE200 Initial (and checkrides) and C90 Differences (classroom/oral only). I agree with the checklist comments

FSI - Great training, good facility and they operate the only Level D C90B sim I know of. Most expensive option.

Fun plane to fly. Best of luck.
FSI @ Witchita is great... been there for initial and recurrent in the 200 with 90 Difs.. Top notch..

Obviously Wichita would be the preferred for King Airs....the training facility is at the Beech Factory's own airport. However, in my experience when available and having equal level simulators the training at Simuflite is, at minimum, equal to what you get at Flight Safety. I'm not trying to swing anyone because it comes down to preference, but I have enjoyed my training events more at SimuFlite.

Either way, you'll be fine.

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