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What Has Gone Right In Iraq

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TonyC said:
The issue you raise with regard to military service is a red herring.
100LL says that anyone who disagrees with the President is a moron and a coward...and you tell me I'm the one throwing red herrings out there?

100 said:
I bet there is nothing you would be willing to die for.
When I read that, my wife was sitting across from me feeding our 11-month-old son...and that statement pissed me off about as bad as anything ever has on this forum. You guys are so enthralled by your hatred for Democrats and your devotion to the Bush dynasty that you can't see that the emperor has no clothes.

I think George W. Bush is a terrible President. In your mind, that invalidates anything I say on this forum, whether it concerns unions, pitch/power, religion, etc. Why don't you put me on your "ignore" list and save us all some bandwidth?

(Argh! I need a shower...)
The Bush Regime

Would you feel that way if someone invaded us and "liberated" us from the current administration?

Of course not.

But you also need to realize that the Bush Administration isn't going around sending perhaps millions of Americans to a savage death in mass graves, either.

And his daughters don't have servants that are required to carry their own stick so they can be beaten with it (Qusay required his personal assistant to carry a stick so that Qusay could beat him with it).

Last time I checked, Bush has never annihlated a town of minority folks with chemical weapons.

Bush hasn't invaded Mexico or Canada (as Iraq invaded Kuwait and Iran).

He hasn't ordered the torture and murder of US Olympic team members who don't measure up.

He doesn't operate a secret police to drag you away to a slow violent death because you posted your anti-Bush rants here on flightinfo.com.

Despite his inadequate environmental policies, he hasn't gone so far as to drain the entire state of Florida of its wetlands to render the Democratic southern Florida counties wastelands.

Best of all, even if he is re-elected in 2004, he HAS to go in 2008.

So I really don't see what parallel you're trying to make here. Where is it?
Re: The Bush Regime

HueyPilot said:
[The President's] daughters don't have servants that are required to carry their own stick so they can be beaten with it...
Well, to be honest, none of us knows whether or not that's true. :D
Dubanuts, thanks for the long post.. All just for me huh?! Just like France and nuc ya lar weapons post that many thought got you laughed off the board huh?!! That was classical - I cannot wait to see what other propaganda you spew onto this board. Keep your day job.... ....

comical bud-

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Bush girls

Well, to be honest, none of us knows whether or not that's true.

Perhaps they do...just not in the violent context that Qusay used! Or maybe whips might be their flavor...dunno.
Grammar goofs

Speaking of nuk-u-lar weapons and other grammatical goofs on Bush's behalf...

I heard this lovely grammatical gem from a major network reporter while waiting in the pilot lounge at Signature KJAX:

...this case is becoming more curiouser.....

This was said in reference to the faked abduction story.
Still waiting!

C'mon 350...something substantive please. Anything. I know you have trouble thinking for yourself....just keep trying.

Be original would ya.

dubya- it is better laughing at you versus having to "think". You make life much more comical and enjoyable on this board for many. Keep posting here and just maybe someone will walk a resume in for you out of pity and you will be able to have a better view up in the FL's.:D Although you probably get a better view down low goin slow-

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Gimme a break

Ooooooohhh...the "i'm up here...your down there" jab. Thats original.

Congratulations on the whole flight level thing.:rolleyes:

You haven't a clue where I am.

At least tell me you are having a drink or two at 3 am!

Ooooooohhh...the "i'm up here...your down there" jab. Thats original.

You asked me to be "original" in the previous post.:D

>> You do not have to "respect" others that share different views than those of your own but atleast learn to be a little less confrontive and a tad more tolerant versus always thinking that you are in the right and everyone else is incorrect. You support Bush (OK) I and many others on this board do not, who cares? I do not and most others could care less as well.. You will not make many friends if you do not learn to open up just a tad, it will would also make for a very long four day trip. You can continue with personal attacks till you are blue in the face but it will not get you anywhere. Politics and religion can be debated forever and no one is going to win. You have your views and opinions and I have mine.

I just tend to think this current administration is flawed and the war was not needed. Removing one man from power has done nothing to make this world safer. You ask me for "substance" and I have made many posts pertaining to this, do a search. Obviously what was said to be "present" in Iraq turned out to be completely false and incorrect. Bush lied to the American people, bottom line and he needs to be held accountable for his actions. To date no weapons have been found and no ties to Al Quieda or OBL have been able to be established. The reason for this war was? I kind of thought so, I think you will be one dissapointed young gentleman come this novemeber...

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