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What airport has the worst controllers?

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You controllers will LOVE this....

I just sent a student for a Multi-ride in a Turbo Aztec...not the greatest twin but will fly an approach at 120kts nicely with an inexperienced pilot at the helm. So anyhow, the guy passes but the examiner chastises me for having him do apch's at 120 and not 90 (blueline).

My reply? "Well ATC sees the twin and often asks them to keep the speed up to keep the flow smooth." To this, the examiner points his favourite finger in the air and screams "F*ck Em! They're their for us....if we want to do it at 90 kts we will, who cares what they think!"

So, next time a guy crawls down the pipe with a 50kt groundspeed....blame the students examiner...not the pilot!

I was just playing around, my first Caravan.....she was the love of my life.......made me never allow anyone to talk bad on her! BUT, I do understand your point..........
Lrjtcaptain said:
The bottom line is we bust our ass for you guys and it almost sounds like we are a thorn in your side. Lets just turn it into a free for all and the major airports, see how much you like that.

I had the oppurtunity to visit the NY TRACON in January. It was interesting to compare the BMW's, Mercedes', Range Rovers, and Cadillacs I saw in the parking lot there to the Corolla's, Honda's, and Pinto's I see at the employee lot at LGA.

By the way....controllers are dorks too. Love the vanity plates at the TRACON..... "SKYCOP" was my favorite...:rolleyes:
Lrjtcaptain said:
.....and oh my god if someone should have to sit off the active for 30 seconds before they get taxi instructions. Half the time they just keep rolling. That is a straight pilot deviation. If you havent gotten taxi instructions and you roll off the runway and keep moving then that is a straight violation.

I believe you that it's technically a violation but then driving one MPH over the limit is illegal as well -- but it's not enforced. At many busy airports stopping immediately after clearing a runway would cause go-arounds. Just like how at ORD Ground doesn't wait for a readback it's an accepted practice. After all, Ground knows where you'll be going. This kind of practice certainly varies from airport to airport. In an airliner I've never been yelled at for not stopping. I was yelled at once -- but it was a G.A. airport with no other traffic and I guess I stepped on his pee-pee.

well, TWA DUDE, i agree withyou on the fact that i never expect them to stop, but a few instances they dont even call, or if im busy on the shout line, they just keep going, and i usually just say so and so taxi to parking.

And of course I would let you do it..
your EX TWA.....I pay my respects to your loss....
I miss that airline!

Of course they should and must call Ground if instructed to do so by Tower. The only times I don't call Ground is when we neglect to hear the instruction from Tower due to our laughing too hard at the landing.

I miss TWA too. Next week I restart my career by joining America West. With luck I'll have as much fun there as I did at TWA. Oh, and I promise to be real careful about the runway incursions.

Congratulations TWA Dude!

Good luck at America West. I'm glad to hear you're getting out of the prop trash (again).

But look out for those PHX controllers. I hear they're some of the worst!


I'm kidding. I'm kidding. You ATCers need to have another cigarette. And a shot of something.

TWA DUDE, thats awsome.....Cactus is actually a good airline. I grew up flying them to Phoenix all the time.
As for the runway incursions, I recall they only had 3 in a 3 month period but it theory, as proffesionals, they should have had none.
As for the controllers in PHX. I have to plead the fifth because I would love to work that Tracon or TWR someday but they do have some issues.
One controller actually ended up killing herself last year because of her coworkers. Thats what i heard anyways, have no info to back it up with details.
TWAdude--A word to the wise--

When you're in PHX watch out for the fake blondes with fake t*ts! They just want to use you for sex!:D

If you do succumb to their siren song, I'm always available for confession.:p TC

Enjoy, dude!

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