Floyd Central area over on the sunny side of the river (IN) is nice...aka Floyds Knobs, Greenville, Georgetown. I lived and went to High School there its nice. My parents moved to the Eastside now. A bit more stuff going on overthere compared to the knobs. Plenty of shopping and restaurants. They live in the Middletown area. I personally like kentucky better just because of the atmosphere, its not as rural as southern Indiana. But i cant speak for the local kentucky schools.
Grew up there. I'd recommend the highlands or old louisville, but then I particularly hate the burbs. Both have everything close by, houses for (almost) any budget, and "character". Reasonably short drive to SDF from either.
Inside of Gene Snyder (I-265), stay east of I-65!!!
Consider Charlestown, Sellersburg or Floyds Knob, IN - the COL isn't too bad and you can get more house/land for your money in southern IN than Louisville. Floyd and Clark Co. (IN) schools are both pretty good. I lived in Sellersburg and it only took me 20 mins to get to the FTC in the mornings...that is, if people weren't stupid on the bridge. Only having one interstate bridge really ties stuff up during the rush hours, but coming in at night or during mid-day isn't too bad.
Lots of people live up I-71N in Prospect or LaGrange or south on I-65 in Bullitt County, or in the eastern 'burbs of Jefferson and west Shelby county. The Highlands and St. Matthews areas are very nice as well, closer to everything, PLUS you don't have to typically deal with the nightmare that is Spaghetti Junction.
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