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Warning, do not use Jet Limousine Services SLC

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Why not have a little fun with the guy? Call him from a blocked caller ID number and tell him that you need a pickup at 1am from Millionair on Saturday night. If he wants a C.C. to reserve it with tell him you are from the FBO, the corporate office, or the Road Manager for the band, and don't have one, and your VIP passenger will be paying cash. For added realism, ask him how much it will cost and what a customary tip is for a trip downtown. Then at 1 am on Saturday (drunk or semi-drunk with your buddies listening in the backgroud pretending to be irate passengers) call him and ask him where he is. Tell him your wires got crossed and that you have been waiting for him over at "the Jet Center" Give him a few minutes to haul his fat corpse next door to the SLC Jet Center and call him back and say "where the hell are you?" By this time he will probably be pretty worked up. Then, not so calmly, explain that next time you fly into SAN JOSE you are going to use a different limo service. When he says he is in Salt Lake, not San Jose, casually say....SLC...SJC Damn, I get that mixed up all the time..Guess we won't need you tonight...Bye.:0
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That would be hilarious. Nobody deserves it more than this prick, believe me. I sent out a letter to NJA to not use his service, usually they use CLS but in an emergency he is definitely off the list.
dont call this guy with your number, i have been on the phone with the police in west valley all day, he said i was going to put a 45 in his head(death threat, which wasnt true). I told the officer that they need to arrest him for making a false police report because he said I was calling into the wee hours of the morning(which again sint true
. they have pretty much dismissed the whole thing as an agrument, but I would definitely give the west valley pd a call and give him his info, he is not right,
dont call this guy with your number, i have been on the phone with the police in west valley all day, he said i was going to put a 45 in his head(death threat, which wasnt true). I told the officer that they need to arrest him for making a false police report because he said I was calling into the wee hours of the morning(which again sint true
. they have pretty much dismissed the whole thing as an agrument, but I would definitely give the west valley pd a call and give him his info, he is not right,
Wow. Im sorry that you had to go through that. I wouldn't put it past this guy. He is a criminal. My advice is to just speak with both FBO's at this point. They are the ones who give all the business to him, without them he has nothing. It was just a matter of time until he got exposed for who he really is. [email protected] and [email protected] I would be happy to vouch to the police in SLC that this guy has been lyiong and trying to intimidate me through emails.
Get use to getting ripped off by Limo/Sedan Services....

Rental Car Companies are extortion artist's too.

Not sure I would waste the police's time unless he said he was going to physically come and described what he was going to do to you. I work in LE and its so annoying to take paperwork calls for two adults who can't play nice.
...He said that next time I fly into SLC he will be there to take care of me in person and he was not talking about a ride in his limo. That sort of thing. He never said he was going to break my legs but said things reffering to how physically big a guy he is...

There is no crime here what so ever.... I believe you that he is a loser but this is not a criminal matter.

It is a Civil Matter and if you feel you have a case (and it sounds like you want to pursue this) you should take him to Small Claims Court.
There is no crime here what so ever.... I believe you that he is a loser but this is not a criminal matter.

It is a Civil Matter and if you feel you have a case (and it sounds like you want to pursue this) you should take him to Small Claims Court.
Thanks for the advice. I think I am just going to let it rest and make sure that none of my friends flying into SLC use Jet Liomousine. I found another service out there that a friend uses that is trustworthy. Thanks

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