I just want to say that I've been hanging out on this board for a few months and I've learned quite a bit; I'm not a pilot, but I fly quite a bit, probably with some of you! I'm very interested in the schedules you pilots do have: it seems quite a bit of the threads here ultimately talk about QOL issues and many of the questions surround things like scheduling. I'd really be interested in a much more detailed look at a tour; I know it's asking a lot, but would any of you care to give an overview of a full tour you've taken recently? I think it would give all of us non-pilots a much better sense of the job you have: and believe me, I'm grateful for each and every one of you. I read things about 3-leg days, 4 and 5 even, long days, short days ... I think it would be great to get a full look at a 7-8 day stretch, including everything from leaving the house to getting back home: airlines, hotels, good pax, bad pax (no names, thanks!
... FBOs, meals, squeezing in a smoke or a snack between legs, catching up with a friend in the city you're overnighting in or a particularly good/bad place to stay, late caterers, good/bad dispatchers, bonus hotel suite upgrades ... the works.
Ah, maybe that's asking too much. You guys/gals are great. I'll fly with you any day.
Ah, maybe that's asking too much. You guys/gals are great. I'll fly with you any day.