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USAPA & USA Today Ad

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Oh and I guess everyone would be cheering if ALPA did this.......

Oh that's right, alpa would never do this........so nothing to compare to.

Thats right....I was told that the ALPA MEC over there was in the habit of responding with the traditional "strongly worded letter".

Besides....what ever happened to the "Taking it back" campaign that Capt Prater said would happen?

No doubt this one caught "Team Tempe" with their pants down.
It was an average of 2500 pounds of fuel over the course of a trans Atlantic flight.
That works out to 7-10 minutes of fuel in the 330 and a little more in the 76.

I surely do not have a horse in this race, but I gotta ask. What is the real reason for the added fuel? It sure is not safety. If 7-10 minutes makes the difference, ya'll should have turned around hours ago and returned from whence you came. Sounds like a bunch of spin here to me...and wasted money.
I surely do not have a horse in this race, but I gotta ask. What is the real reason for the added fuel? It sure is not safety. If 7-10 minutes makes the difference, ya'll should have turned around hours ago and returned from whence you came. Sounds like a bunch of spin here to me...and wasted money.

Ding! And we have a winner.
OK – just off the treadmill watching CNN and they are still playing this crap. USAPA is full of idiots. There is zero problem with adding fuel at US Airways for legitimate reasons. The Captain always has authority to add fuel. You just add it and let the dispatcher know why. Zero problem and I’ve never heard of a dispatcher denying it (you might have to give a small explanation, but hey, that is the check/balance). When you decide to add fuel, you have to have a good reason. Captain’s Authority does not give you the right to do as you please … just because you are the Captain. Dispatchers work with the Captain as the company representative and if you as the Captain routinely add gas “just because” you could expect that your Chief Pilot would call you and ask you to explain. No good explanation means you have abused Captain’s authority.

So now we have USAPA misleading the American Public about Captain’s Authority at US Airways. Gee, just like they mislead their own pilot group with DOH during the seniority integration. These guys are worse than politicians when it comes to “spin.” Except this time, Mr. Parker is going to make the East idiots who promote/condone this crap pay for it. A full page ad in USA Today that scares customers away from US when you don’t have a problem is a serious deal. Don’t forget the company can use the Nicolau Award if USAPA acts in bad faith/fails to negotiate in good faith. If Parker decides unilaterally to use it, and then slim the company from that list … UCrapper will be facing an uphill battle. They’ve caused us all to “lose face” and I’d expect that management will make them pay for it. These 8 fuel wasting clowns and the USAPA numb-nuggets who decided to make this an issue (and spend $100,000 for the USA Today Ad) are just freaking stupid – an absolute tragedy for our airline and both pilot groups. Stupid is as Stupid does!
You know, once again you west guys are right. Every other union that has ever bought an ad in USA today when their management was trying to pull something is obviously wrong. American I think is the most prolific in doing these, they've been wrong every time.

Maybe if you see the forest and not just the trees, this is an old time intimidation tactic that's been used for years. Do you want to have that question in your mind, that if and when you make a decision, your going to be called into take a little extra sim check for it???? Read the other nights USAPA msg, (oh that's right you don't get them) regarding some other interesting management pushing tactics that have occured (ferry a 330 from europe??? or wherever it was) for an o ring replacement? ya that's saving gas

Anyways, you guys are right......by going against managements every wishes we are hurting the company. Better not upset management, Management says that we will chase more passengers away if we don't take 30% paycuts, we better take those paycuts. management says this, says that............
This from someone who requires clarification in just about every new topic that seems to make its way on this webboard. Your a real gem..just like the rest of your fellow losers back there...

You'll get over it one day. Or not.
USAPA doesn't want "their" (east) pilots intimidated in the sim.

When the entire training department becomes staffed by east people and they decide to be "good union" members by busting west pilots, will we hear the same outcry? It's only a matter of time.

Don't bother with the "professionalism" argument. Nobody buys it from the east anymore.
Just speculation, but I’m pretty sure I had one of the 8 on my jumpseat this past week (he acted like he founded USAPA). He wouldn’t shut-up about himself, his life, his company, pro-USAPA, fuel planning, and how he’s gonna fix it all. Myself and the old guy to my left just sat a listened in amazement as this fool kept flapping his sewer.

Perhaps it’s simply jumpseat etiquette, but don’t crap where you eat dude…we’ll give you a lift anytime, but please just shut the hell up next time!!!
that has the 330 as the apple of your eye...
You are joking, right? Please tell me you are joking. Please, please, please tell me no one really thinks of that flying piece of plastic as the "apple" of their eye.

Why would anyone aspire to fly that thing? The temperature control is atrocious, the a/v system rarely works, the "crew rest" facilities (oh wait, it is just an envoy seat...) are horrendous, the blocks (lines) on them are terrible, and worst of all, they are all (actually nearly all) based in PHL. It doesn't get much worse than that (except maybe to be based in EWR...) :D

Why is it that all the East guys think that the west guys want their "big iron"? (most of us that have flown real heavies still think of it as a light twin...). :D Get real. The 330 is the RJ at EK...

Anyways, for any west guys getting furloughed, a couple of us new hires on the east are setting up a website with a small private forum where we can share job intel (contracts, contacts, etc). It won't be any huge, elaborate site, but a place where we can try and help each other out and get through this storm until the old goats die or retire (and we can come back and get along...). The temporary email address until we get the site up and running (hopefully by next week) is [email protected] (okay, so it isn't original, but it works). Just send us an email with your name and an email address and we'll email you as soon as it is up and running. The site will be the same as the email address, but dot com.

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