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USAirways West Bidding Procedures

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Crzipilot said:
Well if you look at history, AAA has reduced positions on every bid since 9/11. Or at least I'm pretty sure, down a few thousand. Since the merger they've shrunk it 500+ positions. It wouldn't be hard to fathom more shrinkage. And with parker now touching on the 737 lap joint problem, might see more as the 190's come on. Hence if you don't get on the list, you won't have a chance to get onto a 737 or AB. And then when the 12 month equipment locks come up (or 18, no confirmation on which it's going to be) those will be bidding onto the ab, leaving the 190 slots...

We have no doubt been shrinking. But their is a minimum fleet count and the 190's don't count. Not sure what it is or how close we are to it, but it's there.

From the contract and the company the freeze is 12 months. The company said 18 at first untill they were corrected. They now agree it will be 12...
First off, there is nothing in the contract stating what the freeze will be. 2nd, I've heard the same things as possible reduced to group 4 freeze of 12 months, but there has been nothing official put out about it. In fact the furlough admins. update put out in June, mentioned the freeze being 18 months.

In fact the exact wording is such in the contract that it will only be a 12 month freeze if returned from furlough to a group 4 aircraft. Problem: Group 4 goes side by side with a pay scale, which is not the payscale for the 190, and as such it currently lists only the F-28 as a group 4 airplane. So look for it officially in writing before you believe what is whispered about. Or talking of it on a public forum as though you know for sure that it's 12 months.

the only other thing I've seen for sure, is they may change the bidding procedure so that our seniority will be able to protect an AB/737 position without having to take a 190 f/o slot and be frozen there. Have not heard of any updates, if that is going to happen or not.
Sorry, didn't know Charmaine was the authority or the person that approved or set forth any amendments to our contract. And until I see it official from ALPA/Ops (memo) or so, I wouldn't trust what anything says, history learned....
I never said she was the authority on anything. All I know is this is being discussed at length on the yahoo board for MDA pilots. Several over there are considering going and were initially told it was to be an 18 month freeze. The furlough administrator has regular contact with the company and told them they were in error, it was supposed to be a 12 month freeze. The company agreed and Charmaine is now saying it will be 12 months. I have seen nothing in writing either, but it seems there is now agreement on 12 months. I'm trying to fight with you, just passing on information I get from sources many of our furloughed brothers don't have access to.
What I want to know is what the h#ll happened to the arbitrator's 190 decision? Did he go on vacation? Is that why our MEC chairman just resigned, because we are about to get screwed again and he doesn't want to face the music?
Hey Crzipilot;

Kinda curious....How'd you land up with 6000hrs flying and no type?

Hey Crzipilot;

Kinda curious....How'd you land up with 6000hrs flying and no type?


Not that you asked me, but it's real easy if your timing turns out poor. I started my airline career with about 1500 hours (which is equivalent to the 300-500 nowadays, you just didn't get on with an airline with low time in the early 90's). Spent 2.5 years in the right seat at a small one (with no upgrade in sight) and went to a better one where it took 4 years for my number to come up. Hence about 6500 hours before I ever got a type and saw the left seat.

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