AJ, whatg about your "rights" to fly an RJ? You guys had plenty of opportunities to set up a flow thru agreement with the wholy-owned carriers. But you snubbed us at every turn. Now look where it has gotten you. I say, "You've made your bed, now sleep in it."
I've been at the regionals 8 yrs and I voted on flow thru with my previous carrier. I am all for it. I however only worked at usair for only two years. Sadly, no flow thru existed there. But hey thats the way it goes I guess. I didnt get a chance to vote on that.
As far as making my bed and sleeping in it. If the rj's dont come to usair, we will all be sleeping on the same bed! LOL
I am sorry for you as a w/o guy...I know LOA 81 is screwed up and far from perfect. I hope something good comes out of all this, but I know it will upset one group while satisfying another.
When I said " rights to fly an RJ", I simply meant shouldnt we all furloughees get the opportunity to fly them but not at the cost of furloughing someone at another carrier. Thats all. I just didnt think it would be fair to have guys furloughed anywhere mainline or express and then increase flying at other carriers with RJs doing the same route that we did on an F100 or Dash 8.
So dont take it personally.
Good Luck to you and all the furloughees out there.
Frankly I'm appalled that you think you have the right to fly an RJ at a company whos senority list you are not on.
You accepted the risk of leaving your past job for the bottom of the list at Airways. Sorry, but $hit happends. Your company has furloughed you and now you have the right to take someone elses job because ???
I know it sucks, and I would be in favor of furloughed Airways pilots being hired by WO's as long as those WO's were not furloughing their pilots to make room. Total BS.
The pilots of WO's are no less deserving of the jobs they have than the pilots of mainline. This is a horrible deal and will only make worse the whipsawing that has taken over our industry.
Good luck, I have a close freind who is furloughed from Airways, but he has accepted his fate and found employment that doesn't but someone else in the position he finds himself in now.
ATRCA wrote
" Good luck, I have a close freind who is furloughed from Airways, but he has accepted his fate and found employment that doesn't but someone else in the position he finds himself in now. "
Could you please let me know what you are talkning about?? I can't figure out what you are tying to say. Thanks, Tim.
I think he was trying to say that his friend took the risk of leaving his old flying job to work for US. Since then he got furloughed and doesn't expect to go back and bump somebody at the WO.
Exactly, you did not sign a flow thru. Which means NO flow back. Sorry, that's the way it works. You made your bed, now sleep in it. If Dad had signed up for a flow thru, OR RJ's years ago, we would not be in this predicament. The furloughed mainline pilots would have their security and things would be better in the first place because of the increased traffic from the RJ's. So why is it that USAir can only have the RJ's? Everybody else has their express carriers fly them. And why hide behind a Alter Ego Carrier to get them?
Comair pilots are well aware of and grateful for the level of support provided by ALL of the USAirways pilots during last year's strike. There is one key point that you need to be aware of; just like every other airline that I know of, pilots do not hire pilots. Management does the hirin' and management does the firin'.
At Comair there are two factions at odds over the hiring process. On the one hand, you have the flight school contingent who want to hire primarily (or perhaps, exclusively) very low time pilots from the Academy. While not particularly "seasoned," if they get through the training process, they do very well especially in light of all the hiring being done in the late 90s by other carriers.
On the other hand, there is the chief pilots' office who used to do the hiring up until the early 90s. They tended to favor pilots with previous 121/135 experience and military helo pilots. A look at the seniority list for many years was a who's who of failed regional airlines and a fair representation of every chopper squadron in the military (or so it seemed). These people did very good jobs, too. Hey, I was one!
Recent events have markedly increased the quantity and quality of applicants and so the tug-of-war between the two departments has heated up. Presently there seems to be a mix of these two types of new hires. One other factor, I am afraid that Pay For Training might rear its ugly head (that is just my unfortunate guess -- I could be wrong and sure hope that I am).
If I WAS in charge of doing the hiring, Delta pilots would be at the very top of my list followed by furloughed pilots at all the other carriers but again it is not our call. They should keep their seniority numbers. I do not buy into the argument about them leaving in droves thereby leaving the company high and dry because anyone that has ever seen a recall schedule knows that it is painfully slow and drawn out process with plenty of notification so the company can plan on boceau new hires (and wouldn't that just thrill the Academy folks?).
One last point, AJ, if you buy into the notion that somehow pilots hire pilots then aren't you in part responsible for the present mess of not hiring furloughed mainline pilots? Why didn't your MEC set up some type of preferred hiring program i.e. flow through or whatever, years ago? How long do the W.O.'s date back, hasn't it been a decade or so? Remember their PID intent -- USToo as in, we are USAir Pilots Too -- which mysteriously disappeared? Did you ever speak up or do ANYTHING except lament the current state of the industry?
you make a good point. Yeah...i think pilots should hire pilots.
I am glad you are grateful for our support during your strike. I know you guys are and I have many friends over there.
Hey Drag...not sure what you were trying to say. But maybe its your lack of experience that all you can do is bash me as a furloughed mainline guy.
Lets see what mainline MEC's next move is. They have made a counter proposal. 315 plus jets to express. strings attached as always!
Yeah from what I hear, out lack of experience is why we can't have jets. Somehow the arguement keeps coming up that the WO pilots can't handle jets. 315 RJ is good. But how many other carriers have strings attached to every delivery they take?
Can't handle jets? We put our Academy grads direct into the right seat of an rj, and they seem to do okay. Of course, they have an experienced captain, but I'm sure your guys are no different. Personally, I think flying a jet is easier. I think anyone who says an experienced turboprop pilot cannot handle a jet is not based in reality. Good luck to you guys.
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