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US Airways raises the offer to 10.2 Billion

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Mr. Lee, are you by any chance related to John Kerry? You, like the rest of us don't know jack about how this deal is going to end up.

Well, we all can make an educated guess, and I use history and current articles to back up my statements. You may have faith in your boss, but the rest of us want no part of it. His persistance will lead to his downfall, since he is pushing us into a larger merger that will pounce on him later. Look, Grinstein does not want to give up to Parker, and he will do whatever it takes to avoid that. That is fact.

Bye Bye--General Lee

Because he knows either DL/NWA is in the works or is afraid that the reemerged DL out of BK will kick the snot out of his company!

Really, what people, are you psychic? Perhaps you should worry more about your precious little airline about to be devoured by Air Tran!:)

All this intelligence, and yet you can't move out of the trailer park?
You are as clueless as you are predictable. Sorry, as you said, but DL will emerge out of BK, with or without US Airways. Either way, one thing will change, you will be a miserable little boy on the outside looking in!

He can wish in one hand and crap in the other, let's see which one gets filled first!

Kind of like what Air Tran will do to your midwest airline hey chuckie??

So does it for you, unfortunately for the rest of us, you still won't change!
Good luck with your buyout from Air Tran. When the AT guys get done stapling you to the bottom of their list, I'll be the one having the last laugh!!!:laugh: :laugh:


Getting a little nervous.
Where did you get a break up of Delta? First off, the DOJ would never allow this because of the severe overlap (UA/US had only one hub overlap (IAD/DCA) and it was turned down---we have 3), and if for some reason they did, NWA will step in and DL management will endorse that deal, which will probably have about the same amount of money involved. USAir will be out in the cold, regardless. You need to relax pal.

Bye Bye--General Lee

I'm pretty relaxed actually, thanks buddy.

You make my point, the DOJ will probably not allow a standalone LCC purchase of DL, so bits and pieces would have to be spun off to meet anti-trust concerns. They've already discussed the shuttle sell-off and are now acknowledging that some CLT/ATL concerns will probably be addressed as well. With NWA and UAL interested in DAL and certainly not wanting to be left out in the end, do you really not think that a break-up is possible? Just refer again to the UAL-U deal to see how that can work, with AA stepping in to take U's 757 and F100 fleets. BTW, the UAL-U deal was, as others have stated, heavily rumored to be approved until UAL got cold feet in the 11th hour. If you don't call selling off the shuttle and parceling out some things to UAL and NWA a breakup - then I guess you're right.

Like I said, it just seems that it's heading that direction. I think we'd all be happy if it just dies on the vine, but it's more credible now than before I'm afraid (in a relaxed kinda way). Heck, maybe it'll be a complete purchase of DL and a breakup of LCC to satisfy the DOJ, I dunno. Methinks it's you that may need to relax a little.
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Where did you get a break up of Delta? First off, the DOJ would never allow this because of the severe overlap (UA/US had only one hub overlap (IAD/DCA) and it was turned down---we have 3), and if for some reason they did, NWA will step in and DL management will endorse that deal, which will probably have about the same amount of money involved. USAir will be out in the cold, regardless. You need to relax pal.

Bye Bye--General Lee

You realize General Lee that if this deal does go through you will have lost all credibility on this board....This is your personal flightinfo.com hail marry. What will you do with yourself if you have to retire from this board in shame? Better start thinking of a new screen name and set aside 10bucks for a membership....lol....

all in good fun
You realize General Lee that if this deal does go through you will have lost all credibility on this board....This is your personal flightinfo.com hail marry. What will you do with yourself if you have to retire from this board in shame? Better start thinking of a new screen name and set aside 10bucks for a membership....lol....

all in good fun

I don't think the General has ever stated the deal will not go through. He believes it will not and tries to back up his beliefs with articles, quotes and his own opinion. At least he promotes healthy debate.
I'm pretty relaxed actually, thanks buddy.

You make my point, the DOJ will probably not allow a standalone LCC purchase of DL, so bits and pieces would have to be spun off to meet anti-trust concerns. They've already discussed the shuttle sell-off and are now acknowledging that some CLT/ATL concerns will probably be addressed as well. With NWA and UAL interested in DAL and certainly not wanting to be left out in the end, do you really not think that a break-up is possible? Just refer again to the UAL-U deal to see how that can work, with AA stepping in to take U's 757 and F100 fleets. BTW, the UAL-U deal was, as others have stated, heavily rumored to be approved until UAL got cold feet in the 11th hour. If you don't call selling off the shuttle and parceling out some things to UAL and NWA a breakup - then I guess you're right.

Like I said, it just seems that it's heading that direction. I think we'd all be happy if it just dies on the vine, but it's more credible now than before I'm afraid (in a relaxed kinda way). Heck, maybe it'll be a complete purchase of DL and a breakup of LCC to satisfy the DOJ, I dunno. Methinks it's you that may need to relax a little.

You seemed to have missed the NWA and DL talk. There are plenty of other alternatives, and Parker knows this. Read the Bethune article I just posted. He stated marriage partners would have to make sense, and they would have to have complementary routes, like Asia and Europe. NWA and DL know this. There won't be pieces broken off, that is your speculation. Nah.

Bye Bye--General Lee
You realize General Lee that if this deal does go through you will have lost all credibility on this board....This is your personal flightinfo.com hail marry. What will you do with yourself if you have to retire from this board in shame? Better start thinking of a new screen name and set aside 10bucks for a membership....lol....

all in good fun

Heck no. I can see a NWA/DL merge, but I can't see a US takeover. And no, I would never leave this board. I have almost 8000 posts. I will hit 10,000 by the Summer. As far as credibility, this is an opinion board, and I can give my opinion. I think this US takeover won't go, and I provide my proof with articles and speculation. And, I don't really care what anyone thinks on this board. I like the debate.

Bye Bye--General Lee
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It is actually a weak site. The statements from analysts etc are old and most are from the Nov 15th announcement by USAir. Our site has statements from Government officials and more recent analyst statements. Keep Delta my Delta, or atleast stay away from USAir....I'll take freezing cold MSP walk arounds anyday.

Bye Bye--General Lee
Heck no. I can see a NWA/DL merge, but I can't see a US takeover. And no, I would never leave this board. I have almost 8000 posts. I will hit 10,000 by the Summer. As far as credibility, this is an opinion board, and I can give my opinion. I think this US takeover won't go, and I provide my proof with articles and speculation. And, I don't really care what anyone thinks on this board. I like the debate.

Bye Bye--General Lee

At the current rate, I say you hit 10,000 well before summer. I say April 29th. Takers?

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