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UPS First Year Pay

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Big Beer Ass..... I have to admit that only working 1 out of 30 days while management deposits obscene ammounts of $$ into your account every two weeks sounds great.... you sound like the United and Delta pilots did back in say.......2001? I think you've got a great thing going and should ask for a 50% raise.... you guys really know how to stick it to the company!!!!!!! Top dollar to the last day sound familiar????? It will only be a matter of time w/ that mentality before you guys are losing money. The instant you get cocky is the first day of your demise......... think I'm fuked in the head????? Just ask UAL/DAL/AAL........PanAm/Eastern.... I could go on. It looks good on you though......
tailhookah said:
Big Beer Ass..... I have to admit that only working 1 out of 30 days while management deposits obscene ammounts of $$ into your account every two weeks sounds great.... you sound like the United and Delta pilots did back in say.......2001? I think you've got a great thing going and should ask for a 50% raise.... you guys really know how to stick it to the company!!!!!!! Top dollar to the last day sound familiar????? It will only be a matter of time w/ that mentality before you guys are losing money. The instant you get cocky is the first day of your demise......... think I'm fuked in the head????? Just ask UAL/DAL/AAL........PanAm/Eastern.... I could go on. It looks good on you though......

Freight, my man, is a whole different animal. Until they invent a teleporter to instantly transport boxes or envelopes, Its going to stay they way BBB tells it. Cargo used to be the lowest paid segment of the workforce, it is only after the cuts at the pax carriers that cargo, which has pretty much stayed the same, just not conceeded, has risen to the top.
I agree with alot of things everyone is saying (except brokeass, Cuz 4 The Life Of Me I Have No Clue WTF U r Saying). Cargo is the best position (right now) but you don't know what the future holds. That's what I was alluding to earlier...not a whole lot of people thought UAL and DAL were doomed in 2000. Things could change in a heartbeat.

While I'm new to this airline biz, I'm leery of unions overall. I'm not sure where ALPAs loyalties actually lie, and I'm not swayed by all this "brotherhood" talk. Brotherhood in what? Contract talks? Please. You want brotherhood, go to war with somebody. The ALPA leadership has a vested interest in getting us huge freakin' contracts...their pay is tied to it. I sorta feel like after they left UAL and DAL as dried out husks, they moving on to the cargo dudes. I could be wrong, and I have an open mind about it. And until I experience getting screwed by mgmt first hand, I'll never buy into this "us against them" mentality.

Everyone wants to work less for more cash, but if the company ain't around to pay you, what then? The older guys want max pay raises now for the short term and the younger guys (I'm 31) want the company to be around for 30+ years. I just want it done smartly so everyone (including mgmt) is happy.
tailhookah said:
.... you sound like the United and Delta pilots did back in say.......2001? I think you've got a great thing going and should ask for a 50% raise.... you guys really know how to stick it to the company!!!!!!! Top dollar to the last day sound familiar????? It will only be a matter of time w/ that mentality before you guys are losing money. .....
When UAL, DAL, AA etc, were paying those extremely high pilot salaries of the late 90’s-early ‘00’s, pilot labor represented one of the highest costs to the company. UPS has 330,000+ employees, only 2550 of which are pilots. Even if the pilots’ compensation tripled, it wouldn’t have nearly the effect it did at the legacy carriers. Flying freight is simply much more profitable than flying people.
tailhookah said:
Big Beer Ass.....

See ... now you're warming up ... that at least evoked a chuckle from me! <g>

With all this sudden concern you have for my (and my employer's) continued prosperity tailhookah, I'm beginning to feel a real bond developing here. <vbg>

As far as "sticking it to the company" ... just give us an industry leading contract and we'll continue to be the happy, productive worker bees we've always been. I have no trouble answering, "What can Brown do for me?"

BBA <--- like that?
Ivan said:
...not a whole lot of people thought UAL and DAL were doomed in 2000. Things could change in a heartbeat.

While I'm new to this airline biz, I'm leery of unions overall.

And until I experience getting screwed by mgmt first hand, I'll never buy into this "us against them" mentality.

Oh brother Ivan, you youngster ... where does one begin?

UAL was in serious/perilous financial straights in the early '90's. Son, you've got to open a book and actually do a little research before you gamble with your career. You do recall ESOP? You do recall UAL was in a serious financial pinch and asked Wall St for $? Wall St said no thanks and thus the employees funded their bailout in exchange for stock. Any of this ring a bell?

As far as getting screwed by mgmt and whistling a different tune ... that's simply a matter of time and usually just a single contract negotiation period. Doesn't sound like you were around last time when "Massa Fred" wrote the "Dear John" letter to all the FedEx pilots on the plantation threatening to fire them all. Hhmm ... they fail to mention that in your interview? I'm shocked.

Ivan, my young friend, save your above post because you will be singing a vastly different tune in a few short years ... mark my words. It's no coincidence this industry is so heavily unionized!

He11, with union pilots like tailhookah, who needs management.

As far as hoping these guys are our next newhires, I hope not. I dont want to
stand beside a person who is willing to sell out his profession for what ever he or she can get.

Id be curious to see how strong all of you blowhards words would be if you couldnt hide behind you anonymity of this board.

brokea$$pilot said:
I Think That Wanting To Fly For Ups Is Over Rated. Why Would You Want Such A Sh!tty Lifestyle And Have No Social Life At Work Even Though They Hardly Ever Work.. And To Top It Off Be In Louisville

Hey, I know, lets start a "Memphis vs. Louisville" thread. I'd take Louisville over MEM any day of the week !
tailhookah said:
Big Beer Ass..... I have to admit that only working 1 out of 30 days while management deposits obscene ammounts of $$ into your account every two weeks sounds great.... you sound like the United and Delta pilots did back in say.......2001? I think you've got a great thing going and should ask for a 50% raise.... you guys really know how to stick it to the company!!!!!!! Top dollar to the last day sound familiar????? It will only be a matter of time w/ that mentality before you guys are losing money. The instant you get cocky is the first day of your demise......... think I'm fuked in the head????? Just ask UAL/DAL/AAL........PanAm/Eastern.... I could go on. It looks good on you though......

Just a couple of observations from the peanut gallery. Freight is different than the airlines in that is run actually like a business. UPS and FEDEX have spent over a century combined on finding ways to provide the best service for their customers. The entire focus of the legacy carriers since deregulation was how to Fcuk your customers in a monopoly hub. That and I doubt UPS/FDX ran out and bought a few billion $$$ of small trucks that are only used 6 hours a day like the RJ's.

1. Freight: Your best customers (business) get charged the lowest rates
2. Airlines: Your best customers (business) get charged the highest rates

I figured this out a little too late. Looking a what would be a mid 3 digit seniority number at UPS and the loss of nearly $2 million will give a person a certain clarity in hindsight.:D

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