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UPS First Year Pay

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klhoard said:
Ooohhhhhhhhhhhh, so it's a PROFIT scheme. . . . . .
(Steve Martin - "The Jerk")

LOL! Now THAT was funny!
u hit the nail or i should say the s&*&t head right on the head. tailhookah is or wanna be a mgmt dumbass
Three years eh???? Good luck on getting what you deserve. I'm not management, I wish that ticket prices were much higher, deregulation didn't happen and I was making much more money that you were while not flying almost allways at night. Oh yeah..... ALPA priced us out of competition with the LCC's when the "perfect storm" hit 3.5 yrs ago. But if you listen to my ALPA talking heads they will tell you to hold on.... we'll get you back. While in the meantime you'll have to flip burgers and make more than regional guys..... why did I leave McDonalds if the money was so much better????? Once again..... jack-of-all-trades..... master of none! Unions only care about the top 20% of the seniority list.....oh yeah they might throw in a little for the bottom feeders but the senior guys "earned" their keep by getting furloughed also... if it sucked so bad for you whouldn't you want the ones that come after you to have it better???? Just like wanting your kids to have it better than you did.....oh I forgot, ALPA is a greedy organization that has lost sight of reality.......
I Think That Wanting To Fly For Ups Is Over Rated. Why Would You Want Such A Sh!tty Lifestyle And Have No Social Life At Work Even Though They Hardly Ever Work.. And To Top It Off Be In Louisville
Easy.....the world needs night flyers............................... someone's got to fall on the grenade and I'm not it.......
Nothing Against The Ups Pilots Ofcourse. I Just Have Sympathy For U All And I Was Joking About Ur Pay Scale I Think U Guys Deserve More Money Than Say Ur Average Neurosurgeon. Say $350-500k Enough?
"I Think That Wanting To Fly For Ups Is Over Rated. Why Would You Want Such A Sh!tty Lifestyle And Have No Social Life At Work Even Though They Hardly Ever Work.. And To Top It Off Be In Louisville"

hehe..glad i dropped in on this thread.
Brown Pilots must be pretty happy....you guys don't bitch too much on this board. Or you are too tired.....which is it?

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