You and others have brought this up before and it's really a ridiculous point. I needed to work when I was forced to "retire."
AGAIN, you flew as a 777 captain for SIX YEARS after 9/11 AND got several hundred thousand dollars in bond money when United emerged from bankruptcy. You didn't NEED to work. You needed to learn how to stop pissing away money.
Or you're simply lying about being impoverished; which is a likely possibility. You have the nerve to lie that you were collecting food stamps after retirement; your lack of morality knows no bounds. Your posts are so full of lies that it's incredible that anyone here believes a single word you write.
Did you consider that maybe draconian work rules came with their version of PBS Mr. Yeager? Work under that contract for a year and lets see how you "adapt".
The big problem with LCAL is the contract means nothing; the paper it's written on is worthless. Management and other employees violate the contract without a second thought. Those pilots who try to get the contract enforced find near zero help from CALALPA; trying to get them to file a grievance is a Sisyphean task.